Candida Cuturi

Candida Cuturi
PositionResearch fellow


Candida Cuturi is a research fellow at the Institute for Studies on the Mediterranean, National Research Council, within the framework of the project “Sustainable modelling of materials, structures and urban spaces including economic-legal implications”, for the topic “Sustainable regeneration and valorisation”.

She graduated with honours in Architecture in 2002 from the University of Naples “Federico II” (with a thesis on sustainable cultural tourism in a protected area). She has been a member of the Register of Architects, Planners, Landscapers and Conservators of the Province of Naples since 2003 and is currently a member of the two thematic committees “Cultural Heritage and Historical Centres” and “Urban Planning” at the respective Register.

She has a PhD in ‘Evaluation methods for the integrated conservation of urban and environmental architectural heritage’. She has spent research periods in the United Kingdom, at Queen’s University Belfast, The University of Manchester, The University of Nottingham.

She has carried out research activities in universities on urban regeneration, brownfield sites and evaluation methods, sustainable cultural tourism, and evaluation of scientific research.

She has collaborated with the Faculty of Architecture (later Department) of the University of Frederick for teaching activities related to Urban and Territorial Planning Techniques, Laboratory of Territorial and Landscape Planning, Laboratory of Urban Planning, Quantity Surveying, Strategic Planning, also conducting a course in English. At the Department of Architecture, she is a member of the examination commission for Urban and Territorial Planning Technique.

She has been a consultant for Formez (Centro di Formazione Studi), Environment Area, on sustainability of urban systems, and for The University of Nottingham within the European project SUS.DIV (Sustainable Development in a Diverse World). He has lectured on Europlanning courses.

His research interests and publications relate to sustainable urban regeneration, brownfield redevelopment, public places, enhancement of cultural heritage (archaeology in particular), marine protected areas, tangible and intangible cultural heritage, cultural diversity, plan evaluation.


Selected publications:

  • Cuturi C., Sepe M. (2022), “Trasformare i rischi in opportunità: un caso di studio nel centro antico di Napoli”, in Moccia F.D., Sepe M. (a cura di) Urbanistica Informazioni, XIII Giornata internazionale di studi Inu, Oltre il futuro: emergenze, rischi, sfide, transizioni, opportunità, 306 special issue, INU Edizioni;
  • Cuturi C. (2022), “Green Infrastructure and Urban Resilience. New York City’s Approach to Urban Landscape and Resource Management”, in La Greca P., Sgobbo A., Moccia F.D. (a cura di) CeNSU International Annual Symposium 2019. Densità e Sostenibilità, (Ebook) Politecnica, Maggioli Editore;
  • Ancarola T., Bertini A., Cuturi C. (2020), “Aree Marine Protette, comunità locali e valorizzazione del patrimonio ambientale”, in Capasso S., Corona G., Palmieri W. (a cura di) Il Mediterraneo come risorsa. Prospettive dall’Italia, Il Mulino;
  • Bertini A., Cuturi C. (2020), “Intangible cultural heritage, territorial valorisation and local communities. Focus on dry stone walling and Mediterranean diet”, TRIA, Territorio della Ricerca su Insediamenti e Ambiente/Territory of Research on Settlements and Environment, International Journal of Urban Planning, 24, Vol. 13 n. 1, June 2020, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II Centro Interdipartimentale L.U.P.T. & Federico II University Press fedOA Press;
  • Bertini A., Cuturi C., Caruso I., Vitolo T. (2018), “Preserving and valorizing the settlement system of Southern Morocco”, in Amoêda R., Lira S., Pinheiro C., Santiago Zaragoza J.M., Calvo Serrano J., García Carrillo F. (eds) Heritage 2018, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development, 10th Anniversary Edition, Volume 2 (e-book), Editorial Universidad de Granada & Green Lines Institute for Sustainable Development;
  • Cuturi C. (2015), “Rigenerazione urbana e territoriale ed aree metropolitane. Criticità, sfide ed opportunità per la Città Metropolitana di Napoli”, Urbanistica Informazioni , 263 special issue,  Moccia F.D., Sepe M. (a cura di), IX Giornata Studio INU, Infrastrutture blu e verdi, reti virtuali, culturali e sociali, INU Edizioni;
  • Cuturi C. (2014), “Il ruolo delle aree di waterfront per la città storica ed il territorio urbano. Esperienze di rigenerazione in Inghilterra e in Francia”, TRIA, Territorio della Ricerca su Insediamenti e Ambiente, International Journal of Urban Planning, n. 12, 2014, Open Journal System/Centro di Ateneo per le Biblioteche-Università di Napoli Federico II;
  • Cuturi C. (2010), “The revival of urban waterfront areas: evaluation of British and Irish experiences”, Int. J. Sustainable Development, Vol. 13, Nos. 1/2, 2010;
  • Cuturi C.(2008), “Alcune esperienze di valutazione dei piani d’uso del suolo nelle aree di Dublin City e di Greater Manchester”, in Colombo L., Losco S., Pacella C. (a cura di), La Valutazione Ambientale nei Piani e nei Progetti, Collana Urbanistica & Territorio, Le Penseur, Brienza; Cuturi C. (2008), “L’approccio britannico/irlandese alla valutazione degli effetti dei piani d’uso del suolo sull’ambiente”, in Colombo L., Losco S., Pacella C. (a cura di), La Valutazione Ambientale nei Piani e nei Progetti, Collana Urbanistica & Territorio, Le Penseur, Brienza.

Last update

29 March 2024, 15:04