Desireé Quagliarotti

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Desirée A.L. Quagliarotti has a degree in Economics and, after a Master in Agricultural Economics and Policy, has received a PhD in Economics of food and environmental resources.

Currently she is a member of the Editorial Board of Global Environment. A Journal of History and Natural and Social Sciences, is assistant editor of Meridiana. A Journal of History and Social Sciences and is a member of the Scientific Committee of the Forum for Mediterranean Agriculture of Tomorrow (FOR.MAT) of the Mediterranean Committee.

Her research interests concern the interactions between economy and environment in the Mediterranean countries. In particular, her research topics are focused on the following issues: the impact of climate change and desertification processes, economy and natural resources management, food security, land and water grabbing, environmental migrations.

Currently she has started a new series of studies on the environmental issue in the planned economies with particular reference to the case study of the Aral lake basin.

Her research activity is documented in several articles in national and international scientific journals and in contributions in volume.


Ferragina E., Marra M., Quagliarotti D., The Role of Formal and Informal Institutions in the Water Sector. What are the Challenges for Development?, UNEP, Plan Bleu, Sophia Antipolis, 2002.

Quagliarotti D.A.L., “L’approccio neoclassico alla valutazione dei beni ambientali. Una coperta troppo corta?”, in I Frutti di Demetra, Bollettino di Storia e Ambiente, n° 16, XL Edizioni, Roma, 2008.

Ferragina E., Quagliarotti D., “Climate Change in the Mediterranean Basin”, in New Medit. A Mediterranean Journal of Economics, Agriculture and Environment, Vol. VII – n. 4, CIHEAM-IAMB, Bari, 2008.

Ferragina E., Quagliarotti D.A.L., “Degrado ambientale e movimenti di popolazione: i migranti ambientali”, in (a cura di) P. Malanima, Rapporto sulle economie del Mediterraneo. Edizione 2012, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2012.

Quagliarotti D.A.L., “Some Reflections on the Causes and Effects of the Global Water Crisis”, in Global Environment, A Journal of History and Natural and Social Sciences, n. 10, XL Edizioni, Roma 2012.

Ferragina E., Quagliarotti Desirée A.L., “La crise alimentaire en Méditerranée”, in Le Bilan de l’économie mondiale 2012, Problèmes économiques, n. 3.056, 2012.

Quagliarotti D.A.L., “Land grabbing: hydro-political effects in the Nile river basin”, in QA Rivista dell’Associazione Rossi-Doria, 2, 2013.

Ferragina E., Quagliarotti D.A.L., “La geopolitica dell’insicurezza alimentare”, in L. Mocarelli (a cura di), Quando manca il pane. Origini e cause della scarsità delle risorse alimentari in età moderna e contemporanea, Bologna, il Mulino, 2013.

Ferragina E., Quagliarotti D. (a cura di), “Special Issue “Mediterranean or Mediterraneans”, in Global Environment. A Journal of History and Natural and Social Sciences, 7 (2014): 248-647, 2014.

Quagliarotti Desirée A.L., “Technical Solutions to Avoid Water Conflicts: The Red Sea-Dead Sea canal Project”, in Id. (a cura di), Special Issue “Mediterranean or Mediterraneans”, Global Environment. A Journal of History and Natural and Social Sciences, 7 (2014).

Ferragina E., Quagliarotti D.A.L., “Gli effetti delle dinamiche globali sui paesi mediterranei: rischio e vulnerabilità ambientale”, in (a cura di) E. Ferragina, Rapporto sulle economie del Mediterraneo. Edizione 2015, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2015.

Last update

29 March 2024, 16:16