Tommasina Pianese

Tommasina Pianese
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Tommasina Pianese è ricercatore al CNR presso l’ISMed.

Laureata con lode nel 2005 in Economia Aziendale presso l’Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, successivamente ha collaborato nell’ambito del progetto MAE-CRUI alle attività del dipartimento economico-commerciale dell’Ambasciata d’Italia a Parigi. Nel 2010 ha conseguito il dottorato di ricerca in Sport Management presso l’Università degli Studi di Napoli Parthenope.

I suoi interessi scientifici riguardano le innovazioni organizzative, trattate con riferimento a) modelli di lavoro a distanza dall’organizzazione resi possibili dalle evoluzioni nelle tecnologie ICT (telelavoro, lavoro in remoto, smart working); b) Smart Work Center, innovativi design degli spazi aziendali ispirati ai paradigmi degli spazi collaborativi. Il focus è sui cambiamenti nei processi organizzativi, pratiche manageriali e comportamenti individuali derivanti dall’implementazione di tali innovazioni organizzative.

Si occupa, inoltre, di innovazione tecnologiche negli eventi sportivi con riferimento ai cambiamenti nella comunicazione digitale da parte degli organizzatori di eventi sportivi a seguito della diffusione dei social network. Infine, conduce ricerche sul tema della sostenibilità ambientale nell’industria alberghiera e, in particolare, sulle implicazioni di strategie sostenibili per la gestione di risorse umane e green marketing.

Le sue ricerche combinano lo studio teorico con indagini empiriche di natura qualitativa, condotte secondo i principi metodologici dei case study.

Attualmente è coordinatrice del #RGCSRoma, Chapter italiano di #RGCS Research Group on Collaborative Spaces, gruppo di ricerca internazionale su spazi collaborativi.

La divulgazione dei risultati delle ricerche è rivolta al contesto scientifico e degli operatori, attraverso la partecipazione a conferenze e pubblicazione di rapporti di ricerca e contributi scientifici a rilevanza nazionale ed internazionale.


  • Cunha, J., Errichiello, L., & Pianese, T. (2024). The axis of accessibility and the duality of control of remote workers: A literature review. Journal of Information Technology, 39(1), 194-260.
  • Pianese T. (2023), “Putting Underground Built Heritage at the Heart of Cultural Tourism. The ancient white marble quarries in Paros,” in Martinez-Rodriguez S. and Pace G. (Eds.) Practices for the Underground Built Heritage Valorisation. Second Handbook, volume 3, pp. 91-109, CNR Edizioni Roma.
  • Caravello C., Cassar T., Pace G., Pianese T. (2023), “The White Marble of the Gods: a way back to the island of Paros”, in Martinez-Rodriguez S. and Pace G. (Eds.) Practices for the Underground Built Heritage Valorisation. Second Handbook, volume 3, pp. pp. 113-138, CNR Edizioni Roma.
  • Pianese T. Errichiello L., da Cunha J.V. (2022), Organizational control in the context of remote working: a synthesis and a research agenda, European Management Review, 1-101.
  • Pianese T., Rossetti G., Morini V. (2022), Big Data Analytics and Instagram: an exploratory study on Italian hotel accounts in Del Chiappa G., Tourism, Hospitality and Culture 4.0: shifting towards the metaverse, Series “Tourism Studies on the Mediterranean Region”, vol. 2, pp. 13-36, Milano (Italy), Mc Graw Hill.
  • Jovanovic M., Murillo-Romero M., Pianese T. (2022), “Una propuesta para la valorización del Parque Minero de La Unión a través de la participación ciudadana y del compromiso comunitario” in Martínez Rodríguez S. (Ed.), Valorización del patrimonio subterráneo y dinamización de la comunidad El caso de La Union, vol. 2, pp. 101-120.
  • Errichiello L., Pianese T. (2021), The Role of Organizational Support in Effective Remote Work Implementation in the Post-COVID Era. In Wheatley, D., Hardill, I., and Buglass, S. (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Remote Work and Worker Well-Being in the Post-COVID- 19 Era, chapter 13, pp. 221-242, IGI Global Publication, Hershey.
  • Buonincontri P. Micera R. Murillo-Romeo M., Pianese T. (2021), “Where Does Sustainability Stand in Underground Tourism? A Literature Review”, Sustainability 13, no. 22: 12745.
  • Pianese T. (2021), Interpreting sports events from a resource-based view perspective, International Journal of Sport Marketing and Sponsorship.
  • Pianese T., Belfiore P. (2021), Exploring the Social Networks’ Use in the Health-Care Industry: A Multi-Level Analysis, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Volume 18, Issue 14, 7295.
  • Errichiello L., da Cunha J.V., Pianese T. (2021), The social construction of the workplace and the practice of remote work, 37th EGOS Colloquium, Amsterdam (VU), July 8-10.
  • Martinez-Rodriguez, S., Cassar, T., Jovanovic, M., Murillo-Romero, M., Pianese, T. (2021), “A plan for the valorization of a Mining Park in La Union (Spain) route” in Pace, G., Salvarani, R. (Eds.), Underground Built Heritage Valorisation. A Handbook, CNR Edizioni Roma, pp. 371-385.
  • Pianese T. (2021), “Social network in sports events: a process study of the 30th Summer Universiade”, EURAM 2021 Conference Proceedings “Reshaping Capitalism for a Sustainable World”, 16-18 giugno, ISSN 2466-7498.
  • Cunha J.V., Pianese T., Errichiello L. (2020), “Paradoxes of control in Remote Work Arrangements”, Fourth RGCS Symposium, “Designing the Commons: Collaborative spaces, Open communities, Smart Cities”, Lyon (France).
  • Errichiello L., da Cunha J.V., Pianese T. (2020), The meaning of the workplace and the practice of remote work, Proceedings of the 13th Annual Conference of the EuroMed Academy of Business “Business Theory and Practice Across Industries and Markets”, pp. 1254-1255, ISBN 978-9963-711-89-5.
  • Errichiello L., Pianese T., da Cunha J.V. (2020), “Dilemmas of control in remote work”, Proceedings of the 13th Annual Conference of the EuroMed Academy of Business “Business Theory and Practice Across Industries and Markets”, pp. 1256-1257, ISBN 978- 9963-711-89-5.
  • Cassar T., Jovanovic M., Martinez-Rodriguez S., Murillo M., Pianese T. (2020), Journey to the center of the Earth: Developing creative activities and a new branding for the Mining park of La Unión: Developing creative activities and a new branding for the Mining Park of la Union, Poster presented at CA18110 – Underground Built Heritage as catalyser for Community Valorisation, awarded as “Best Quality of Analysis”, Napoli (Italy), February 15th.
  • Errichiello L., Pianese T. (2019), Toward a theory on workplaces for smart workers, Facilities, vol. 38 (3/4), pp. 298-315.
  • Errichiello L., Pianese T. (2018), Smart Work Centers as “creative workspaces” for remote employees, CERN Ideasquare Journal of Experimental Innovation, vol. 2, pp. 14-21.
  • Errichiello L., Pianese T. (2018), Organizational control in the context of remote working: a synthesis of empirical research, Proceedings of the Academy of Management Annual Meeting (AOM), ISSN Print 0065-0668; online 2151-6561.
  • Errichiello L., Pianese T. (2018), The influence of remote working on organizational control: a literature review on evidence-based studies, EURAM Conference Proceedings, ISSN 2466-7498.
  • Errichiello L., Pianese T. (2018), Remote work arrangements and the interplay between control and autonomy: a longitudinal case study of mobile teleworking, proceedings workshop Organizations, Artifacts and practices, “New Ways of Working (NWW): Rematerializing Organizations in the Digital Age”.
  • Pianese T. (2018), Creazione del vantaggio competitivo per le imprese organizzatrici di eventi sportivi. La prospettiva della Resource-based View, Book series IRISS CNR “Quaderni”, n. 59, Napoli, Enzo Albano ed. ISBN 9788894342765
  • Pianese T. (2017), Il Relationship Marketing negli eventi sportivi professionistici: il ruolo dei promotori e degli organizzatori, Rivista di diritto ed economia dello sport, 2, pp. 127-152.
  • Errichiello L., Pianese T. (2017), Il controllo organizzativo in contesti di lavoro in remoto: una meta-sintesi degli studi empirici, Proceedings of the XXIX Convegno Sinergie-SIMA 2017 Value co-creation: le sfide di management per le imprese e per la società, ISBN 97888907394-9-1.
  • Errichiello L., Pianese T. (2016), “Organizational Control in the Context of Remote Work Arrangements: a Conceptual Framework”, in Widener S., Epstein M., Verbeeten F. (eds), Performance Measurement and Management Control: Contemporary Issues, vol. 31 “Studies in Managerial and Financial Accounting”, pp. 273-305, Emerald group Publishing. 
  • Errichiello L., Pianese T. (2016), “Transforming the Workplace: Smart Work Centers as the new frontier of remote work arrangements”, First RGCS Symposium “Work and Workplace Transformations: Between Communities, Doing, and Entrepreneurship”, Université EM-Lyon, Parigi (France).
  • Pianese T., Errichiello L. (2015), “A Framework for understanding organizational control in virtual work environments: integrating variance and process perspectives”, in Proceedings of the 8th Conference on Performance Measurement and Management Control. ISSN 2295-1660.
  • Errichiello L., Pianese T. (2014), “Ripensare il remote working: le opportunità degli Smart Work Center”, Economia dei servizi. Mercati Istituzioni Management, n. 3, pp. 221-244.
  • Sorrentini A., Pianese T. (2011), “The relationships among Stakeholders in the organization of men’s professional tennis event”, Global Business and Management Research: An International Journal, vol. 3 (2), pp. 141-156.
  • Pianese T. (2010), “Brand extension nelle imprese di servizi sportivi: opportunità ed implicazioni manageriali nel caso del calcio”, Economia e diritto del terziario, 1, pp.45-67.
  • Pianese T. (2009), Introducing brand extension strategy in sporting teams: opportunities and challenges, Proceedings of the 3rd International Sports Conference: Bridging Research and Practices, 6-8 May, Losanna.

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4 Febbraio 2025, 16:09