Roberta Varriale

Qualifica | Primo Ricercatore |
Telefono (int.) | 210 |
![]() | |
Roberta Varriele è prima ricercatrice presso l’Istituto di Studi sul Mediterraneo del CNR di Napoli, da molti anni si occupa di studiare il ruolo dei manufatti storici interrati nelle dinamiche di sviluppo superficiale.
Ha elaborato una classificazione delle funzioni storiche degli elementi del patrimonio culturale sotterraneo (Underground Built Heritage – UBH) per permettere processi di valorizzazione e di rigenerazione urbana incentrati sul loro riuso secondo un modello da lei formulato. I risultati delle sue ricerche sono stati pubblicati in molteplici articoli e saggi su riviste e per case editrici nazionali ed internazionali.
Fra gli ultimi lavori open access sul tema, si segnalano:
2023, Genovese L., Varriale R., Troglodyte settlements on the Loess Plateau of China: Challenges to sustainable tourism-oriented development. Journal of Chinese Architecture and Urbanism, 5(2), 0940.,
2023, Varriale, R. Oral History as a Source for the Interpretation of UBH: The World War II Shelters in Naples Case Study. Societies 2023, 13, 130.
Available online:
2023, Varriale, R.; Aldighieri, B.; Genovese, L. Dismissed Mines: From the Past to the Future. Heritage, 6, 2152-2185.
Available online:
2022, Varriale R., Genovese L., Aldighieri B., “Diffused Geoparks”: Territorial Integration as Solution for a Shared Sustainable Growth Based on Geotourism in Italy, Japan and Tunisia. Heritage, 5, 2083-2105.
Available online:
2022, Varriale R., Ciaravino R., Underground Built Heritage and Food Production: From the Theoretical Approach to a Case/Study of Traditional Italian “Cave Cheeses”. Heritage, 5, 1865-1882.
Available online:
2021, Varriale R., Genovese L., Underground Built Heritage (UBH) as Valuable Resource in China, Japan and Italy. Heritage, 4, 3208-3237.
Available online:
2021, Varriale R., “Underground Built Heritage”: A Theoretical Approach for the Definition of an International Class. Heritage, 4, 1092-1118.
Available online:
2019, Genovese L., Varriale, R., Luvidi, L., Fratini, F. “Italy and China Sharing Best Practices on the Sustainable Development of Small Underground Settlements”, Heritage, 2, 813-825.
Available online:
2019, Varriale R., “Re-Inventing Underground Space in Matera”, Heritage, 2, 1070–1084.
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Principali pubblicazioni
2023, Genovese L., Varriale R., Troglodyte settlements on the Loess Plateau of China: Challenges to sustainable tourism-oriented development. Journal of Chinese Architecture and Urbanism, 5(2), 0940.,
2022, R. Varriale, M. Parise, L. Genovese, M. Leo, S. Valese, Underground Built Heritage in Naples: From Knowledge to Monitoring and Enhancement S. D’Amico, V. Venuti (eds.), Handbook of Cultural Heritage Analysis, Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022, pp. 2001-2035,
2021, L. Genovese, L. Luvidi, R. Varriale, F. Fratini, Earthen walled villages in the Shanxi Province: Laoniuwan (老牛湾) case, in: L. Luvidi, F. Fratini, S. Rescic and J. Zhang (edited by), Past and Present of Earthen Architectures in China and Italy, CNR Edizione, Roma, pp. 229-238..
2021, R. Varriale, L. Genovese, Underground Built Heritage (UBH) as Valuable Resource in China, Japan and Italy. Heritage, 4, 3208-3237.
2021, R. Varriale, “Underground Built Heritage”: A Theoretical Approach for the Definition of an International Class. Heritage, 4, 1092-1118.
2021, R. Varriale, “A Methodological Framework for UBH Classification”, in: Pace G., Salvarani R. (edited by), Underground Built Heritage Valorisation. A Handbook, CNR edizioni, pp. 31-41
2020, R. Varriale, “Underground Built Heritage in Italy and Japan. From the methodological approach to the comparative analysis of Pizzofalcone and Yoshimi Hyakuana hills case-studies”, in: R.Varriale, C.Oguki, M. Parise (edited by), “Damage assessment and conservation of underground space as valuable resources for human activities use in Italy and Japan”, Opera Ipogea, Special Issue, pp. 13-28.
2019, Genovese, L.; Varriale, R.; Luvidi, L.; Fratini, F. “Italy and China Sharing Best Practices on the Sustainable Development of Small Underground Settlements”, Heritage 2019, 2, 813-825.
2019, R. Varriale, “Re-Inventing Underground Space in Matera”, Heritage 2019, 2, 1070–1084; doi:10.3390/heritage2020070
2019, L. Luvidi, F. Fratini, S. Resic, L. Genovese, R Varriale, “Earthen Walled Villages in the Shanxi Province: an Heritage at Risk of Disappearing”, in: Vernacular and Earthen architecture toward local development, Tongji University Press, 2019, pp.163-170. ISBN 978-7-5608-8656-5
2019, R. Varriale, L.Genovese, L. Luvidi, F.Fratini, “Identification and Interpretation of a Cultural Route: Developing Integrated Solutions of Enhancing the Vernacular Historic Settlements”, in: Vernacular and Earthen architecture toward local development, Tongji University Press, 2019,pp.601-608. ISBN 978-7-5608-8656-5
2018, R. Varriale, “Underground archeological sites as drivers for social regeneration: The catacombs of San Gennaro in Naples”, in: L. Genovese, H. Yan, A. Quattrocchi (edited by), Preserving, managing and enhancing the archaeological sites: comparative perspectives between China and Italy, CNR edizioni, Roma, pp. 133-144. ISBN 978 88 8080 291 4
2017, R. Varriale, “Southern underground space: from the history to the future” in: M. Parise, C. Galeazzi, R. Bixio, A. Yamac (edited by), Hypogea 2017, Proceedings of international conference of speleology in artificial cavities, Cappadocia March 6/10, 2017, Dijital Düşler, Istanbul, pp. 548-555, ISBN 978-605-9690-37-02017, v. Lapenna, G. Leucci, M. Parise, H. Porfyriou, L. Genovese, R. Varriale, “A project to promote the natural and cultural heritage of the underground environment in Southern Italy” in: M. Parise, C. Galeazzi, R. Bixio, A. Yamac (edited by), Hypogea 2017, Proceedings of international conference of speleology in artificial cavities, Cappadocia March 6/10, 2017, Dijital Düşler, Istanbul, pp. 129-133d. ISBN 978-605-9690-37-0.
Attualmente è responsabile dei seguenti progetti:
“Damage assessment and conservation of underground spaces as valuable resources for human activities in Italy and Japan” in collaborazione con la Saytama University (Japan),
“Un ponte di ossa da Napoli a Lima” in collaborazione con L’Accademia Pontificia di Lima (Perù) e dell’accordo interdipartimentale “I sottosuoli antropici meridionali” (ISSM, IRPI, IMAA, ICVBC, IBAM del CNR).
Partecipa al gruppo di lavoro costituito presso la Città Metropolitana di Napoli “Itinerari culturali” per la definizione delle policies di intervento nel settore del turismo culturale, al laboratorio congiunto Italia-Spagna ARCHAEOTECH (Technologies and procedures for quality improvement procedures and time saving in the archaeological activities), al progetto bilaterale Italia-Cina “Identification and Interpretation of a Cultural Route: the Example of Maritime Silk Road” in collaborazione con la CACH (Cina) ed alla COST Action 18110 “Underground4valee” in qualità di membro del comitato di gestione e co-leader del WG1
Ultimo aggiornamento
4 Febbraio 2025, 16:26