Marichela Sepe
Marichela Sepe is researcher at CNR since 2001 and member of ISMed since 2019. She graduated in Architecture and specialised in urban design. She actively collaborates with DiARC of the University of Naples Federico II, where she is also a contract professor and (until 2017) member of the Teaching Board of the PhD programme in Urban Design and Urban Planning.
He holds the National Scientific Qualification as Professor of I fascia and II fascia (in the sector 08/F1. Urban and territorial planning and design. She has been visiting professor at the DUSP of MIT, Cambridge and the CED of the University of California, Berkeley. She has been visiting professor at Peking University and has given lectures at the Universities of Beijing, Wuhan and Xian.
Her research interests include: creative urban and socio-economic regeneration; sustainable spatial planning; cultural heritage enhancement; post-earthquake reconstruction; public space; and urban health and liveability.
He has published numerous books, book chapters, journal articles and proceedings of national and international conferences on these topics.
She is a member of the Board of Directors of the INU, of which she is vice-president of the Campania section and was Director of the III Rur, and is a member of the Governing Board of EURA and a member of the Urban Design Group and Do.Co.Mo.
In national and international contexts she is responsible for and member of the scientific committee of conferences; referee and member of the Editorial board of the main scientific journals of urban design and urban planning. She has acted as coordinator and scientific officer in national and international research projects including: FP7-PEOPLE-2011-IRSES MC-IRSES – PUMAH; European Culture Programme 2007-2013 Preserving Places; Por-Creo /FESR 2007-2013 TECON@BC; POR FESR Lazio 2007/2013 Div@ter; SISMI” project, “Technologies for the improvement of safety and the reconstruction of historical centres in seismic areas”, within the Centre of Excellence of the Technological District of New Technologies for Cultural Heritage and Activities of the Lazio Region (DTC Lazio); member of the Advisory and Support Group of the HORIZON 2020 Urban Maestro project URBAN DESIGN GOVERNANCE: Exploring formal and informal means of improving spatial quality in cities across Europe and beyond; she is Co-Responsible of WP3 “Developing High Performance modelling of the specific mission on modelling urban regeneration”, Academic Lead Host and Responsible for the INU stakeholder of the HORIZON 2020 Project “Development of Integrated Web-Based Land Decision Support System Aiming Towards the Implementation of Policies for Agriculture and Environment, Acronym: LANDSUPPORT. He is responsible for the Scientific Laboratory “Geodesign and Urbandesign” of LUPT University Federico II.
In 2018 he won the II PAN-Ardito Desio Award – Section Thematic Relevance, in 2017 he won the Inu Prize for Urban Literature – Section Article in a Collected Volume, in 2016 he won the PAN-Ardito Desio Award – Section Originality, in 2015 he won the Runner-up Practitioner paper award at the 2015 T-Forum Conference and the INU prize for an article in a collected volume, while in 2014 he won the INU Prize for Urban Literature – Monograph section with the volume Planning and Place in The City, Routledge, and the 1st PAN-Ardito Desio Prize – Section Thematic Relevance.
Recent publications:
- SEPE M. (2020) Regenerating Places Sustainably: the Healthy Urban Design, International Journal of sustainable development and planning, 15 (1)
- SEPE M. (2020) PlaceMaker. Ricostruzione dell’identità urbana nei luoghi colpiti dal sisma, in Caravaggi L (a cura di) Progetto SISMI-DTC Lazio. Conoscenze e innovazioni per la ricostruzione e il miglioramento sismico dei centri storici del Lazio, Quodlibet, Roma-Macerata
- MOCCIA FD, SEPE M (cura di) (2020) Salute e/o benessere Health and/or Welfare, Urbanistica Informazioni n. 289 special issue
- SEPE M. (2020) Preservation of Cultural Heritage in Post-Seismic Reconstructions: a Method and a Case Study, BDC, 20 (1)
- SEPE M. (2020) Shaping the future: perspectives in research on, and the teaching of, urban design, Journal of Urban Design, 25 (1)
- SEPE M. (2020) Spazi pubblici nella città contemporanea, Inu Edizioni, Roma
- SEPE M. (2021) Covid-19 pandemic and public spaces: improving quality and flexibility for healthier places, Urban Design International (under editing)
- SEPE M. (2019) Liveable and healthy city design, WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, Wit Press, Southampton
- SEPE M (2018). PlaceMaker: a method for the integrated enhancement of cultural resources and urban identities . In: (a cura di): Genovese L, Haiming Y, Quattrocchi A, Preserving, managing and enhancing the archaeological sites: Comparative perspectives between China and Italy. Roma:Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, ISBN: 9788880802907
- SEPE, M. (2018) Experiencing Prestigious Places: Contemporary Forms And Modalities, in ‘Making Prestigious Places: How luxury influences the transformation of cities’, Routledge, London New-York ISBN 978-1138232525
- PORFYRIOU, H., SEPE, M. (2017) a cura di Waterfront revisited, Routledge, London-New York
- SEPE M. (2017) Place identity and creative district regeneration: the case of 798 in Beijing and M50 in Shanghai Art zones, Metu Journal of the Faculty of Architecture, DOI:10.4305/METU.JFA.2017.2.15
- SEPE M. (2017) Placemaking, livability and public spaces: achieving sustainability through happy places, Journal of Public space, 2 (4), pp.63-76,
- SEPE M. (2017) The Role Of Public Space To Achieve Urban Happiness, International Journal of sustainable development and planning, Vol. 12, No. 4, pp. 724–733, 10.2495/SDP-V12-N4-724-733
- PORFYRIOU H., SEPE M. (2017) Introduction: Port Cities and Waterfront Developments: From the Re-actualization of History to a New City Image in Porfyriou H., Sepe M. a cura di (2017) Waterfront revisited, Routledge London-New York, 9781138638433
- SEPE M. (2017) Global Public Space Toolkit. From Global Principles to Local Policies and Practice in Bologna R. New Cities And Migration, Dida Press, Firenze
- SEPE, M., PITT, M. (2017) Urban branding and place as a quality product: innovations in the urban experience, International journal of Facilities Management, 15 (1) ISSN: 1472-5967
- SEPE M. (2016) Industrial regeneration and cultural identity: the case of 798 Art Zone and M50 Art District, in Sepe M. a cura di The European culture and the China urban transformation process/ La cultura europea e il processo di trasformazione urban in Cina, Urbanistica n. 158
- SEPE M. et Al. (2016) Italy’s Presidency of the Council of Ministers Habitat III Italy’s National Report, _REPORT_EN.pdf
- SEPE M. (2015) Reti di luoghi, paesaggi delle tecnologie e nuove connessioni, Crios, n.10 2279-8986
- PIETRO GARAU, LUCIA LANCERIN, M. SEPE (2015) The Charter of public space, List, Rovereto (in 8 lingue), ISBN 9788898774630
- SEPE M., (2013) Planning and Place in the City: Mapping Place identity, Routledge, London-New York, ISBN: 9780415664769
2018-21 HORIZON 2020 project “Development of Integrated Web-Based Land Decision Support System Aiming Towards the Implementation of Policies for Agriculture and Environment, Grant Agreement number 774234 — LANDSUPPORT — H2020-RUR-2016-2017/H2020-RUR-2017-2, Co-responsible of WP3 “Developing High Performance modelling of the specific mission on modelling urban regeneration”, Academic Lead Host e Responsabile per lo stakeholder INU
2018-20 Research project “SISMI”, “TECNOLOGIE PER IL MIGLIORAMENTO DELLA SICUREZZA E LA RICOSTRUZIONE DEI CENTRI STORICI IN AREA SISMICA” in the project Centro di Eccellenza Distretto Tecnologico delle Nuove Tecnologie per i Beni e le Attivita’ Culturali della Regione Lazio (DTC Lazio). At the project there are all public universities of Lazio and the main research center Cnr, Enea e Infn, Responsible with H.Porfyriou del Task 1.5 Best practices italiane e internazionali e Placemaking del WP 1 Studio e analisi del contesto storico-culturale, urbano e socio-economico
2012-16 Project FP7-PEOPLE-2011-IRSES MC-IRSES International Research Staff Exchange Scheme (IRSES) –PLANNING, URBAN MANAGEMENT AND HERITAGE (PUMAH), Research network among the 8 participating international partners in order to identify ways of planning and integrated management of cultural heritage for sustainable local development, responsible WP5 “Methodologies of investigation and decision-making” and Academic lead visit host
2009-12 Project POR-Toscana of research and development “TECNOLOGIE INNOVATIVE PER LA CONSERVAZIONE E LA VALORIZZAZIONE DEI BENI CULTURALI – TECON@BC”, co-founded by Regione Toscana for Por-Creo /FESR 2007-2013 line of intervention 1.1.d, responsible Task 4.2 “Realizzazione di un software di supporto al metodo PlaceMaker per l’individuazione delle potenzialità/criticità del territorio della necropoli in rapporto con la città di Sovana ai fini di una valorizzazione integrata”
2008-10 Project “Preserving Places: Managing mass tourism, urban conservation and quality of life in historic centres”, in the Culture European Program 2007-2013 Collaborator at the coordination of 7 international partners.
2019-21 COST Action CA18204, Dynamics of placemaking and digitization in Europe´s cities,member of the international research network
2019-21 COST Action CA18126, Writing Urban Places. New Narratives of the European City, member of the international research network
2019-21 Participation in research activities related to the Bilateral Agreement Italy – China CNR-CACH with title Itinerari culturali e la “One Belt One Road Initiative”. Buone pratiche e politiche di conservazione e sviluppo turistico, coordinato da Heleni Porfyriou
2018-20 Project HORIZON 2020 Urban Maestro URBAN DESIGN GOVERNANCE: Exploring formal and informal means of improving spatial quality in cities across Europe and beyond, component of Advisory and Support Group
2018-21 Project HORIZON 2020 “Development of Integrated Web-Based Land Decision Support System Aiming Towards the Implementation of Policies for Agriculture and Environment, Grant Agreement number 774234 — LANDSUPPORT — H2020-RUR-2016-2017/H2020-RUR-2017-2, Component of work group of DiARC of University of Naples Federico II
2016-18 bilateral agreement Italy – China Valorisation-Tourism-Participation: Developing alternative integrated solutions for less promoted historic sites, tra Institute of CACH: Department of Cultural Relics Research, Beijing, e Institute for the Conservation and Valorization of Cultural Heritage (CNR-ICVBC), Rome (three-year duration) (Signed September 30, 2015)
Last update
29 March 2024, 16:33