Olga Lo Presti

Olga Lo Presti
Phone (int.)221


My research mission is to generate new knowledge on ways in which new technology can play a key role in enhancing communication for cultural Heritage.

The knowledge component includes: communication Science (from foundations to best practices); computer science related new media technologies (Web 2.0, mobile devices, apps, and interactive installations); experience, interaction and exhibition design.

The skills component includes all stages of the development life cycle of media products: conception of high-level communication strategies for technology-based experiences; design and creation of content suitable of user-centred, technology-based experiences; use of tools for production of multimedia content; and analysis and evaluation of multimedia applications, usability and user-testing.

I published work on the use of technology enhanced communication in cultural heritage and tourism in a number of peer reviewed journals and conference proceedings. I regularly attend and present papers at national and international conferences.


Book chapters

  • Lo Presti O., Micera R., 2012, Il ruolo del web marketing per l’immagine delle destinazioni, in XVIII Rapporto sul turismo italiano 2011 – 2012, pp.331-340, ISBN 978-88-204-0895-4
  • Lo Presti O., Micera R., 2012, Online destination image management. The case analysis of VisitTrentino and ViaggiareinPuglia, Advances in Tourism Studies in memory of Clara S. Petrillo, pp.127-148, McGraw Hill. ISBN 978-88-386-7335-1
  • Buonincontri P., Lo Presti O., 2012, Discovering Naples: experiential marketing tools for the tourist 2.0, Atti di convegno della 1st International Conference Enlightening Tourism Competition and Innovation in Tourism: New Challenges in an Uncertain Environment 13-14 September 2012, Napoli
  • Lo Presti O., 2011, Church institutions and digital world: new opportunities to profess the word of God, Special Issue: Managing the Religious Tourism Experience, International Journal of Business and Globalisation, Vol. 7, No.1, pp. 116-130
  • Petrillo Clara S., Lo Presti Olga, 2009, New technologies for ecclesiastic cultural heritage enhancement, in Mario Congedo Publisher (ed.) Atti del convegno Tourism, Religion & Culture: Regional Development through Meaningful Tourism Experiences. Università del Salento, Lecce, Poggiardo, 27-29 ottobe 2009 ISBN: 9788880868750 

Last update

3 April 2024, 10:24