Salvatore Capasso

Salvatore Capasso
PositionDirector DSU


He was awarded PhD in Economics and Finance from the University of Manchester (UK) and PhD in Economics from the University of Naples Parthenope. Since 2013 he has been full professor of Economic Policy at the University of Naples Parthenope and from 1 June 2015 to 31 May 2019 he was Director of the ISSM which, following his project submitted to the CNR, became part of the present ISMed. Since April 1, 2023, he has been director of the department of human and social sciences, cultural heritage at the CNR.

His research interests are focused on the economics of Development and Economic Growth and on monetary and financial economics. In specific, he has in recent years dealt with the relationship between the black economy and financial development and the relationship between corruption and economic growth. He is the author of numerous publications and articles in national and international journals.

He has been a visiting professor at several universities, including the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee (USA), the University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain) and the University of Manchester (UK), and has been a member of several Scientific Councils of national and international institutions.

He has coordinated several research groups in national and international projects and has been responsible for a project funded by the European Commission entitled “Rethinking Finance for Stability and Growth”. He has contributed to the organisation of numerous conferences and workshops, and there are numerous national and international conferences where he has presented his scientific work.

From 2013 to 2015 he is Doctorate Coordinator in “Governance, Management and Economics” of the University of Naples “Parthenope” and has supervised many PhD students. He has extensive teaching experience in Macroeconomics and Economic Policy both at degree and doctoral level and has taught in Italian Universities (University of Naples Parthenope, Federico II) and foreign Universities (University of Santiago de Compostela, Manchester, Liverpool, Wisconsin).


Main publications on journals 

“Active and passive corruption: Theory and evidence”, European Journal of Political Economy, 2018, 52, pp. 103-119 (con L. Santoro).

“Crimine, Sommerso e Attività Bancaria” in Rassegna economica – Banco di Napoli, 2015, ISSN: 0390-010X (con A. Cicchiello, A. Meles, S. Monferrà e G. Sampagnaro)

Financial Development and the Underground Economy”, Journal of Development Economics, 2013, 111, pp. 167-178 (con T. Jappelli).

The Impact of Banking Development on the Size of the Shadow Economy“, Journal of Economic Studies, Vol. 39, pp. 620-628 (con Bose, N., Wurm, M.).

“Introduction To The Special Issue On Poverty Traps”, The Manchester School, Vol. 80, pp. 377-380 (con Capasso, S. and Carillo, M. R.).

Migration Flows, Structural Change And Growth Convergence: A Panel Data Analysis Of The Italian Regions“, The Manchester School, 2012, Vol. 80, pp. 468-498 (con M.R. Carillo e R. De Siano).

Tax evasion, the underground economy and financial development“, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2012, Vol. 83, pp. 243-253 (con Keith Blackburn e Niloy Bose).

Testing for the stability of Money Demand in Italy: has the Euro influenced the Monetary transmission Mechanism?”, Applied Economics, 2012, Vol. 44 issue 24, pp. 3121-3133 (con O. Napolitano).

Loan Processing Costs, Information Asymmetries and the Speed of Technology Adoption”, Economic Modelling, 2010, Vol. 27, p.p. 358-367 (con G. Mavrotas).

Threshold Effects of Corruption: Theory and Evidence”, World Development, 2008, Vol 36 No. 7, p.p. 1135-1151 (con Niloy Bose e Antu Murshid).

Endogenous Information Frictions, Stock Market Development and Economic Growth” The Manchester School, 2008, Vol 76 No. 2 March 2008, 204-222.

Financial Development, Financing Choice and Economic Growth”, Review of Development Economics, 20059 (2), p.p. 135-149 (con Keith Blackburn e Niloy Bose).

Financial Markets, Development and Economic Growth: Tales of Informational Asymmetries”, Journal of Economic Surveys, 2004Vol. 18, n.3, pp. 267-292.

Main book chapters publications

“Introduzione. I paesi del Mediterraneo tra disuguaglianza e convergenza: sviluppo economico, sostenibilità e migrazioni”, in Rapporto sulle economie del Mediterraneo. Edizione 2018, il Mulino, Bologna, 2018, ISBN: 9788815279385

Cambiamenti strutturali del mercato del lavoro nel Mediterraneo” in Rapporto sulle economie del Mediterraneo. Edizione 2017, il Mulino, Bologna, 2017, ISBN: 9788815273031 (con Pena-Boquete, Y.)

La valutazione dell’impatto economico del turismo in Campania” in XX Rapporto sul Turismo Italiano, a cura di R. Micera, 2016, McGraw-Hill, in corso di stampa (con L. Guadalupi).

Corruption and government expenditure: Evidence from Europe and the MENA regions” in Handbook of Research on Comparative Economic Perspectives on Europe and the MENA Region, a cura di B. Christiansen e M. Erdogdu, IGI Global, 2015, (con L. Santoro).

Corruzione e Spesa pubblica nei paesi del Mediterraneo” in Rapporto sulle Economie del Mediterraneo, a cura di Paolo Malanima ed E. Ferragina, Il Mulino, 2014, (con L. Santoro).

La spesa sociale in tempo di crisi” in Rapporto sulle Economie del Mediterraneo, a cura di Paolo Malanima, Il Mulino, 2013, pp. 43-70 (con C. Astarita).

Trappole della povertà ed equilibri multipli: una rivisitazione del dualismo Nord-Sud” in I Caratteri del Dualismo Nord-Sud: aspetti economici, sociali e normativi. Scritti in onore di Salvatore Vinci, a cura di R. Bifulco e M.R. Carillo, Editoriale Scientifica, 2013, pp. 3-24 (con M.R Carillo).

Le radici della «primavera araba». Inflazione, rivolte popolari, sicurezza alimentare”, in Rapporto sulle Economie del Mediterraneo, a cura di Paolo Malanima, Il Mulino, 2012, pp. 43-70 (con C. Astarita).

La distribuzione dei redditi. La diseguaglianza nei paesi del Mediterraneo”, i in Rapporto sulle Economie del Mediterraneo, a cura di Paolo Malanima, Il Mulino, 2011, pp. 69-96 (con C. Astarita).

Last update

29 March 2024, 14:50