Gabriella Corona
Position | Director |
Phone (int.) | 237 |
Gabriella Corona is Director and Research Director of the Institute for Studies in the Mediterranean (ISMed) of the National Research Council.
She is editor in chief of the international scientific journal “Global Environment. A Journal of Transdisciplinary History”.
She is co-editor of the interdisciplinary journal “Meridiana. Journal of History and Social Sciences”.
She is a professor of Environmental History at the Course in Historical Sciences of the Department of Humanities at the University of Naples Federico II.
She is vice-president of the Italian Society of Environmental History (SiSAm).
In 2017, she was awarded the Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale (ASN) (National Scientific Accreditation) for the research area 11/A3 – Contemporary History (II fascia).
She is a member:
- of the Consejo Cientifico of the journal “Historia Ambiental Latinoamericana y Caribeña”;
- of the Advisory Board of “Cambio. Journal of Social Transformations”;
- of the Advisory Board of “Historia Agraria. Revista de agricoltura e historia rural”;
- of the Editorial Advisory Board of “Rises. Ricerche di Storia Economica e Sociale”;
- of the Editorial Board of “Glocale. Molise Journal of History and Social Sciences”.
She was a member of the Scientific Council of the Department of Human and Social Sciences of the National Research Council until 2023.
She has articles in national and international scientific journals, essays on collective volumes, monographs and editors.
Among the books published after 2000: L’Italia dell’Antropocene. Percorsi ambientali tra XX e XXI secolo of 2023 (Carocci), A Short of Environmental History in Italy of 2017 (The White Horse Press), A Short History of the Environment in Italy of 2015 (il Mulino), The Problem of Waste Disposal in a Large European City (Mellen Press) and Waste. An unresolved question with Daniele Fortini from 2012 and 2010 respectively (XL edizioni), I Ragazzi del Piano. Naples and the reasons for urban environmentalism of 2007 (Donzelli).
Her current research concerns Environmental History issues from a national and global perspective.
She has produced more than 100 national and international publications between articles on scientific journals, volume chapters, monographs, edited books, book reviews.
Main books:
- L’Italia dell’Antropocene. Percorsi ambientali tra XX e XXI secolo (Carocci, Roma, 2023);
- A Short Environmental History of Italy: Variety and Vulnerability (The White Horse Press, Cambridge, 2017);
- Breve storia dell’ambiente in Italia (il Mulino, Bologna, 2015);
- The Problem of Waste Disposal in a Large European City. Garbage in Naples (Mellen Press, New York, 2012) with Daniele Fortini;
- Rifiuti. Una questione non risolta (XL edizioni, Roma 2010, 2012) with Daniele Fortini;
- I ragazzi del piano. Napoli e le ragioni dell’ambientalismo urbano (Donzelli, Roma, 2007);
- Demani ed individualismo agrario nel Regno di Napoli (ESI, Napoli, 1995).
Main edited books:
- Il Mediterraneo come risorsa. Prospettive dall’Italia (il Mulino, Bologna, 2020) with Salvatore Capasso and Walter Palmieri;
- Le politiche per l’ambiente in Italia (Franco Angeli, Milano 2017) with Riccardo Realfonzo;
- Economia e ambiente in Italia dall’Unità a oggi (Bruno Mondadori, Milano, 2012) with Paolo Malanima;
- Storia e ambiente. Città, risorse e territori nell’Italia contemporanea (Carocci, Roma, 2007) with Simone Neri Serneri;
- Ambiente e risorse nel Mezzogiorno contemporaneo (Meridiana libri, Corigliano Calabro, 1999) with Piero Bevilacqua.