Valerio Caruso
Environmental historian with inter- and transdisciplinary interests. I am currently a PhD student in Social and Political Change at the Universities of Turin and Florence. I deal with the contemporary history of environmental policies for industry in Italy, with a focus on industrial and deindustrialised areas in the city of Naples. I draw on the lessons of urban and industrial environmental history, interweaving them with perspectives from environmental sociology, the study of environmental legislation and the evolutionary trajectories of eco-engineering. My interests include industrial and labour history in Italy, the history of technology and the history of deindustrialisation. On the sociological and political level, I have related to actor network theories, socio-technical studies, and political ecology.
My main object of research to date has been the environmental history of the East Naples area, to which I have dedicated a monograph in English, published by The White Horse Press (2021), entitled The Swamp of East Naples. Environmental History of an Unruly Suburbs.
With regard to my transversal skills, I have been an associate editor and social media manager of the international journal ‘Global Environment’ since 2020. Since 2021, I have been web editorial coordinator and social media manager of the Italian Society of Environmental History. Since the same year, I collaborate with the research group on “Deindustrialization and the Environment Initiative” within the transnational project “DePOT – Deindustrialization and the Politics of Our Time”, promoted by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. I have collaborated, as a historical consultant and expert on the area east of Naples, with numerous non-profit associations in the province of Naples and with the Universitat politècnica de Catalunya – Barcelonatech; the AIS – Territory Section; the Polytechnic School and Basic Sciences – Department of Architecture of the ‘Federico II’; the Technische Universitat Dresden.
Last update
29 March 2024, 14:56