Piera Buonincontri
Position | Senior Researcher |
Phone (int.) | 206 |
Piera Buonincontri works at the Italian National Research Council (CNR – Italy) since 2008, and she is currently a senior researcher of the Institute of Studies on the Mediterranean (ISMed – CNR), in Naples.
In 2014, she received her PhD in Marketing and Communication from Università degli Studi di Salerno with a PhD thesis on the experience co-creation in tourism. She has a Master of Science degree in Business Economics form the Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II.
Her research interests are focused on the study of marketing in tourism and cultural tourism for the competitive advantage of destinations. Her research areas include experiential marketing, co-creation, tourists’ sustainable behavior, new technologies for the enhancement of tourism and cultural experiences, cultural tourism in developing areas.
She is member of several research groups in national and international projects on the topics of tourism and cultural tourism.
She has published in leading journals, including Tourism Management, Sustainability, International Journal of Hospitality Management, Journal of Destination Marketing and Management, Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management. She has presented her scientific work in numerous national and international conferences.
She has been Assistant Editor of the Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights (JHTI) until September2019, and is member of the Editorial Advisory Board of the Journal of Multidisciplinary Academic Tourism (JOMAT). She is also reviewer for many scientific journals (among them: Tourism Managament, Tourism Management Perspectives, Sustainability, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Journal of Sustainable Tourism).
- Marasco, A., Buonincontri, P., van Niekerk, M., Orlowski, M., Okumus, F. 2018 “Exploring the role of next-generation virtual technologies in destination marketing”, Journal of Destination Marketing and Management, 9: 138-148. (IF: 1.556). ISSN: 2212-571X. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jdmm.2017.12.002.
- Dedeoglu, B.B, Bilgihan, A., Ye, B.H., Buonincontri, P., Okumus, F. (2018), “The Impact of Servicescape on Hedonic Value and Behavioral Intentions: The Importance of Previous Experience” International Journal of Hospitality Management, 72, pp. 10-20 (IF. 2.787). ISSN: 0278-4319.
- Buonincontri, P., Marasco, A. (2017), “Enhancing Cultural Heritage Experiences with Smart Technologies: An Integrated Experiential Framework”, European Journal of Tourism Research, 17, 83-101. ISSN: 1314-0817.
- Simeon, M.I., Buonincontri, P., Cinquegrani, F., Martone, A., 2017, “Exploring tourists’ cultural experiences in Naples through online reviews”, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, 8(2), 220-238. ISSN: 1757-9880 doi.org/10.1108/JHTT-10-2016-0067
- Buonincontri, P., Morvillo, A., Okumus, F., van Niekerk, M., 2017, “Managing the experience co-creation process in tourism destinations: Empirical findings from Naples”, Tourism Management, 62, 264-277 (IF: 4.707). ISSN: 0261-5177.
- Buonincontri, P., Marasco, A., Ramkissoon, H. R., 2017, “Visitors’ Experience, Place Attachment and Sustainable Behaviour at Cultural Heritage Sites: A Conceptual Framework”, Sustainability, 9 (7), 1-19 (IF: 1.789). ISSN 2071-1050.
- Buonincontri, P., Micera, R., 2016, “The experience co-creation in smart tourism destinations: A multiple case analysis of European destinations”, Information Technology & Tourism, DOI: 10.1007/s40558-016-0060-5.
- Maggiore, G., Buonincontri, P., 2014, “The ‘Place Experience’ as a Key for Local Development: a Theoretical Framework”, Advanced Engineering Forum, Vol. 11, pp. 109-114. ISSN: 2234-991X.
- Simeon M .I., Buonincontri P., 2011, “Cultural event as a territorial marketing tool: the case of RavelloFestival on the Italian Amalfi Coast” in Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management vol. 20, issue 3, pp. 385-406. Routledge. ISSN: 1936-8623
- Simeon M.I., Buonincontri P., 2011, “Study on visits of Matera”, Turistica, n.2/3, pp. 5-18. ISSN: 1974-2207
- Buonincontri, P., 2017, “La competitività delle città d’arte”, in E. Becheri, R. Micera, A. Morvillo (a cura di), XXI Rapporto sul Turismo Italiano 2016-2017, Rogiosi Editore, ISBN: 978-88-6950-255-5, pp. 319-336
- Buonincontri, P., Marasco, A., Ramkissoon, H. R., 2017, “Il comportamento del turista culturale: prospettive di analisi tra esperienza di fruizione e place attachment”, in E. Becheri, R. Micera, A. Morvillo (a cura di), XXI Rapporto sul Turismo Italiano 2016-2017, Rogiosi Editore, ISBN: 978-88-6950-255-5, pp.
- Buonincontri, P., 2016, “Il turismo come opportunità per lo sviluppo locale: Matera e Parco della Murgia Materana”, in E. Becheri, G. Maggiore (a cura di), XX Rapporto sul Turismo Italiano 2015-2016, Rogiosi Editore, ISBN: 978-88-6950-161-6, pp.
- Buonincontri P., 2014, “Il turismo come opportunità di sviluppo locale”, in E. Becheri, G. Maggiore (a cura di), XIX Rapporto sul Turismo Italiano 2012-2013, Franco Angeli, Milan. ISBN: 978-88-917-1051-2
- Buonincontri P., Caneva G., Maurano C., Simeon M.I., 2013, “Il patrimonio culturale materiale e immateriale”, in: Ferruccio Ferrigni (a cura di), Il futuro dei territori antichi. Problemi, prospettive e questioni di governante dei paesaggi culturali evolutivi viventi, Collana Territorio storico ed ambiente, n. 4, Appendice a Territori della Cultura, N. 12, Ed. Centro Universitario Europeo per i Beni Culturali (CUEBC). ISSN: 2280-9376
- Buonincontri P., Maggiore G., 2013, “Costruire esperienze memorabili. Il caso dei Sassi di Matera”, in E. Becheri, G. Maggiore (a cura di), XVIII Rapporto sul Turismo Italiano 2011-2012, Franco Angeli, Milan. ISBN: 978-88-568-4089-6
- Buonincontri P., 2013, “Il contributo del turismo allo sviluppo locale”, in E. Becheri, G. Maggiore (a cura di), XVIII Rapporto sul Turismo Italiano 2011-2012, Franco Angeli, Milan. ISBN: 978-88-568-4089-6
- Simeon M. I., Buonincontri P., 2012, “A model for planning and managing experiential cultural products” in A. Morvillo (eds.), Services and Competitiveness. Advances in Tourism Studies, McGraw-Hill, Milan. ISBN: 978-88-386-7335-1
- Buonincontri P., 2011, “Il turismo per lo sviluppo locale di aree marginali”, in E. Becheri, G. Maggiore (a cura di), XVII Rapporto sul Turismo Italiano 2010-2011, Franco Angeli, Milan. ISBN: 978-88-568-4089-6
- Buonincontri P., Volpe T., 2011, “Turismo e sviluppo locale”, in E. Becheri, G. Maggiore (a cura di), XVII Rapporto sul Turismo Italiano 2010-2011, Franco Angeli, Milan. ISBN: 978-88-568-4089-6
- Simeon M. I., Buonincontri P., 2010, “Il Patrimonio Mondiale UNESCO: categorie concettuali e linee guida” in M.I. Simeon (a cura di), La valorizzazione del patrimonio culturale e identitario del Sito UNESCO Costa di Amalfi, Quaderni di Ricerca I.R.A.T. – C.N.R., n. 50, Enzo Albano Editore, Napoli. ISBN: 978-88-89677-16-2.
- Buonincontri P., Maurano C., Di Trapani G., 2010, “La Costa di Amalfi Patrimonio UNESCO” in M.I. Simeon (a cura di), La valorizzazione del patrimonio culturale e identitario del Sito UNESCO Costa di Amalfi, Quaderni di Ricerca I.R.A.T. – C.N.R., n. 50, Enzo Albano Editore, Napoli. ISBN: 978-88-89677-16-2.
- Simeon M. I., Buonincontri P., Di Trapani G., 2010, “Analisi della domanda: l’indagine empirica ‘Identità e valore del patrimonio culturale della Costa di Amalfi” in M.I. Simeon (a cura di), La valorizzazione del patrimonio culturale e identitario del Sito UNESCO Costa di Amalfi, Quaderni di Ricerca I.R.A.T. – C.N.R., n. 50, Enzo Albano Editore, Napoli. ISBN: 978-88-89677-16-2.
- Buonincontri P., Lembo A.M., 2010, “Analisi dell’offerta: il Patrimonio Culturale e Identitario della Costa di Amalfi”, in M.I. Simeon (a cura di), La valorizzazione del patrimonio culturale e identitario del Sito UNESCO Costa di Amalfi, Quaderni di Ricerca I.R.A.T. – C.N.R., n. 50, Enzo Albano Editore, Napoli. ISBN: 978-88-89677-16-2.
- Buonincontri P., 2010, “La valorizzazione delle risorse culturali e identitarie”, in M.I. Simeon (a cura di), La valorizzazione del patrimonio culturale e identitario del Sito UNESCO Costa di Amalfi, Quaderni di Ricerca I.R.A.T. – C.N.R., n. 50, Enzo Albano Editore, Napoli. ISBN: 978-88-89677-16-2.
- Simeon M.I. Buonincontri P., Di Trapani G., 2009, “Dal Turismo Culturale al Turismo Esperienziale e Creativo”, in E. Becheri (a cura di), XVI Rapporto sul Turismo Italiano 2009, Franco Angeli, Milan. ISBN: 978-88-568-1406-4
- Simeon M.I.- Buonincontri P., 2008, “Progettare la Event Experience. Il caso RAVELLOFESTIVAL”, in R. Resciniti e G. Maggiore (a cura di), Event experience Progettare e valutare il sistema di offerta, ESI Ed., Napoli, Dicembre 2008. ISBN: 978-88-495-1798-9
- Buonincontri, P., Marasco, A. 2016. “A model of smart technology-enhanced cultural heritage experience at tourism destinations”, Book Proceedings of the ICOT 2016 Conference New challenges and boundaries in tourism, ISSN 2241-9314/ISBN: 978-618-81503-1-7
- Marasco A., Buonincontri P., Van Niekerk M., Orlowski M., Okumus F. 2016. “Visiting intentions for cultural heritage sites: the role of virtual reality (VR) experiences with wearable computing devices”, in S. Volo & O. Maurer (Eds), Book of Abstracts Consumer Behavior in Tourism Symposium 2016 Experiences, Emotions and Memories: New Directions in Tourism Research, Competence Centre in Tourism Management and Tourism Economics (TOMTE) School of Economics and Management, Free University of Bozen, Bruneck, Italy.
- Buonincontri P., Simeon M .I., 2012, “Cultural Tourism in World Heritage Sites: an empirical study on an Italian marginal area, in D. Vrontis, Y. Weber, R. Kaufmann, and S. Tarba (eds.), Book Proceedings of the 5th EuroMed Annual Conference Building New Business Models For Success Through Competitiveness and Responsibility, EuroMed Press, pp. 239-253, ISBN: 978-9963-711-07-9, Approved by ISI Conference Proceedings Citation Index
- Buonincontri P., Maggiore G., 2012, “La tourism experience come leva critica per il marketing delle destinazioni: il caso dei Sassi di Matera”, paper presentato al IX Convegno Annuale SIM “Marketing Internazionale ed Effetto Country of Origin” presso Università del Sannio – Benevento, 20 e 21 Settembre. ISBN: 978-88-907662-0-6
- Buonincontri P., Lo Presti O., 2012, “Discovering Naples: experiential marketing tools for the tourist 2.0” in A. Morvillo (eds.), Competition and Innovation in Tourism: New challenges in an uncertain environment. Proceedings of the 1st Enlightening Tourism Conference 2012. Enzo Albano Editore, Napoli. ISBN: 978-88-8967-88-9
- Simeon M .I., Buonincontri P., 2012, “Expos legacies, cultural identity and competitiveness of destinations” in A. Morvillo (eds.), Competition and Innovation in Tourism: New challenges in an uncertain environment. Proceedings of the 1st Enlightening Tourism Conference 2012. Enzo Albano Editore, Napoli. ISBN: 978-88-8967-88-9
- Simeon M.I.- Buonincontri P., 2010, “Il valore del patrimonio culturale per il residente: aspetti teorici ed evidenze empiriche”, in M. Quagliolo (ed.), Quality in Cultural Heritage Management: results the HERITY International Conferences, Dossier n.2 (2008), DRI – Fondazione Enotria Onlus, Roma, ISBN: 978-88-903829-1-8
- Simeon M.I., Buonincontri P., Di Trapani G., 2009, “Local identity and creative capital in tourism: some examples in Italy”, in D. Vrontis, Y. Weber, R. Kaufmann, and S. Tarba (eds.), Book Proceedings of the 2nd EuroMed Annual Conference, EuroMed Press, pp. 394-407, ISBN: 978-9963-634-76-7, Approved by ISI Conference Proceedings Citation Index
- Simeon M.I. – Buonincontri P., 2009, “The Fruition of the Heritage and of the Intangible Cultural Resources According to an Experiential Approach: Some Case Studies in Italy”, in M. Passos Ascencao (ed.), Proceedings Book of 27th EuroCHRIE Annual Conference, Helsinki, Finland, HAAGA-HELIA University of Applied Sciences, 2009, pp.288-302. ISBN: 978-952-5685-73-2
- Simeon M.I. Buonincontri P., Di Trapani G., 2009, “New forms of Cultural Tourism in Italy: the creativity to develop successful tourist experiences” in V. Richards & A. Raguž (eds), Conference Proceedings of 3rd Critical Tourism Studies (CTS) Conference “Critical actions and creative vistas”, Zadar, Croazia
- Simeon M.I., Buonincontri P., 2008, Cultural Event and Territorial Marketing: the Case of Ravello City of Music on the Italian Amalfi Coast, in A. Aktas; E. Wickens; M. Kesgin; E. Cengiz; E. Yenialp (eds), Proceedings Books of International Tourism Conference 2008: “Cultural and Event Tourism: Issues & Debates”, Alanya, Turkey, 5-9 November. ISBN 978-9944-223-73-7
Scientific manager of the project “Designing culture for REAL PEOPLE”, funded under the “INNOVATION BANDO SPORTELLO DELL’INNOVAZIONE – PROGETTI CULTURAL AND CREATIVE LAB”.
Member of the research group of the SM@RTINFRA-SSHCH project Intelligent integrated infrastructures for the data ecosystem of social sciences, humanities and cultural heritage
Member of the research group of the project #ViaggiArte – Integrated system of experiential fruition of knowledge related to cultural heritage between cinematic vr, augmented reality and social networking
Member of the working group for the design and implementation of Section III “The competitiveness of the Italian System” of the Report on Italian Tourism
Member of the research group of the NeoLuoghi project: solutions for the cultural experience in the elective places of surmodernity
Member of the research group of the project ORganization of Cultural HEritage and Smart Tourism and Real-time Accessibility – OR.C.HE.S.T.R.A., PON R&C 2007-2013 BANDO “SMART CITIES”.
Member of the research group of the project “Cultura Basilicata Web 2.0” – “Matera città Narrata”.
Member of the research group for the elaboration of the UNESCO Amalfi Coast Cult Landscape Management Plan.
Last update
9 April 2024, 14:20