Silvana Bartoletto

Silvana Bartoletto


Associate Professor of Economic History, Energy transitions and Economic growth, University of Naples Parthenope, Department of Economic and Legal Studies (DISEG).

Member of the board and Professor of “Energy and Economic growth” in the PhD program in Economics, Statistics and Sustainability, University of Naples Parthenope, Italy.

Member of the European project COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology)-CA18215 China in Europe Research Network.

Member of the Working Group 1: Strategic sectors and infrastructure development.

Member of the European project COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology)-CA18110 –Underground Built Heritage as Catalyser.for Community Valorisation.

Bank of Italy: Member of the research project  “Historical traits of Italian energy dependency”.

Member of the PRIN Economic development in Italy from the Middle Ages to today: a regional perspective (Sapienza Unit).

Scientific Responsible, together with Prof. Garofalo A., for the Memorandum of Understanding between the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM) and the University of Naples Parthenope.

Member of SEA-EU, European University of the Seas, Funded by the European Union.



Bartoletto S. (2020), Energy transitions in Mediterranean countries: consumption, emissions and security of energy supplies, Cheltenham-Northampton, UK-USA, Edward Elgar, ISBN 978-1-78897-754-8.

Bartoletto S. (2016), Energia e crescita economica nei paesi del Mediterraneo, Milano, Bruno Mondadori, ISBN 9788867741861.

Bartoletto S., Garofalo A. (2014), Il ruolo del credito nell’economia italiana (1861-2013), Milano, Mondadori, ISBN 978-88-6184-416-2.

Bartoletto S., La città che cambia. La trasformazione urbana della Napoli preunitaria (1816-1859), Napoli, Edizioni scientifiche italiane.


Bartoletto S. (2022), A long- term analysis of efficiency in the Italian banking system from 1861 to 2010 (with Agovino M., Garofalo A). STRUCTURAL CHANGE AND ECONOMIC DYNAMICS, Vol. 61, June 2022.

Bartoletto S. (2021), A post-carbon energy economy: implications for the Mediterranean countries. IEMed Mediterranean Yearbook, ISSN 1698-3068.

Bartoletto S. (2019), Modelling the relationship between energy intensity and GDP for European countries: An historical perspective 1800–2000 (with Agovino M., Garofalo A). ENERGY ECONOMICS, VOL. 82,  ISSN 0140-9883.

Bartoletto S., Chiarini B., Marzano E., Piselli P. (2019), Business cycles, credit cycles, and asymmetric effects of credit fluctuations: evidence from Italy for the period 1861-2013. JOURNAL OF MACROECONOMICS, 61 (2019) 103130, ISSN 0164-0704.

Bartoletto S., Chiarini B., Marzano E., Piselli P. (2018), Banking crises and business cycle: evidence for Italy (1861-2016). JOURNAL OF FINANCIAL ECONOMIC POLICY, ISSN 1757-6385.

Bartoletto S. (2018), Consumi di energia, crescita economica ed emissioni di CO2 nel lungo periodo. ENERGIA, 2: 56-68, ISSN 0392-7911.

Bartoletto S., Garofalo A. (2019), Energie rinnovabili ed emissioni di CO2 nei paesi del Mediterraneo, in “Rapporto sulle Economie del Mediterraneo”, il Mulino, Bologna, ISBN 978-88-15-28438-9.

Bartoletto S. (2016). Economic Growth and Oil Routes in the Mediterranean Countries. In: A. Beltran (a cura di), Les routes du pétrole (Oil routes), p. 101-123, BRUXELLES: P.I.E. PETER  LANG, ISBN: 9782875742957.

Last update

29 March 2024, 14:38