Pietro Evangelista
Position | Director of research |
Phone (int.) | 226 |
Pietro Evangelista is Research Director in logistics and supply chain management at the Naples Institute for Studies on the Mediterranean (ISMed) of the Italian National Research Council (CNR). In 2009, he was awarded a Ph.D. in Logistics and Supply Chain Management by Heriot-Watt University (Edinburgh, UK). In 2010, his doctoral dissertation on the dissemination of ICT in small transport and logistics service providers was awarded the James Cooper Memorial Cup by the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (UK) for the best Ph.D. Logistics Dissertation defended at a university in the UK and the Republic of Ireland.
Pietro is a business economist by background and he carried out extensive research on economics and management issues in the field of freight transport and logistics. Research activities have been focused on maritime-port logistics with specific reference to the analysis of the role of alliances and partnerships in the liner shipping sector. More recently, his current scientific interest are on supply chain innovation. In particular, his research efforts are focused on digitalisation in logistics and environmental sustainability in the transport and logistics service industry. He is also conducting research on the role of knowledge management in logistics and supply chain. The output of his research activities is reflected in more than 150 publications including books and book chapters, papers in international peer-reviewed academic journals, practitioner journal papers and conference papers. Pietro is member of the editorial board of several international journals including: International Journal of Logistics Management, International World Review of Intermodal Transportation Research, International Journal of Logistics: Research and Applications, Logistics, International Journal of Business and Systems Research, Piccola Impresa/Small Business. He acts as peer reviewer for leading international journals in the field of logistics, SCM and operations management. He is also member of the Scientific Committee of several international conferences and workshops. Pietro has held many visiting positions at various international universities and research centres and he regularly act as invited speakers in national and international conferences, seminars and workshops. Pietro has an extensive academic teaching experience. He has been Contract Professor in Business Economics and Management at the Department of Industrial Engineering of the University of Naples Federico II for more than ten years. He is now Adjunct Professor in Green Logistics at the School of Business and Management, Lappeenranta University of Technology – LUT (Finland) and contract professor in Green Strategies and Logistics at the Naples Suor Orsola Benincasa University. He is member of several academic and practitioner associations at national and international level. He is member of the Research Committee of the European Logistics Association (ELA). He served as faculty member of the Ph.D. summer school organised by International Federation of Purchasing and Supply Management (IFPSM). As an independent expert, Pietro carries out an intense activity evaluating both research and infrastructure projects in the field of freight transport and logistics where he assists many institutions including the European Commission, research ministries and foundations both Italian and abroad. Pietro was member of the Steering Committee of the International Science and Technology Foresight Group of the Italian National Research Council.
Recent publications include:
Articles in International Refereed Journal
- Lo Storto, C., Evangelista, P., (2022) Infrastructure efficiency, service quality and environmental impact of land logistics systems in the EU: A DEA-based dynamic mapping, Research in Transportation Business and Management
- Evangelista, P., Hallikas, J. (2022) Exploring the influence of ICT on sustainability in supply management: evidence and directions for research, Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain (open access)
- Jamal El Baz, J., Evangelista, P., Jebli, F., Iddik, S., (2022) Assessing green innovation in supply chain management research: A systematic review based on causal mechanisms framework, International Journal of Logistics Management
- Kähkönen A.-K., Evangelista, P., Hallikas, J., Immonen, M., Lintukangas, K. (2021) COVID-19 as a Trigger for Dynamic Capability Development and Supply Chain Resilience Improvement, International Journal of Production Research.
- Huge-Brodin M., Sweeney E., Evangelista P., (2020). Environmental alignment between logistics service providers and shippers – a supply chain perspective, International Journal of Logistics Management, 31(3), pp. 575-605.
- Evangelista P., Santoro L., Hallikas J., Kahkonen A.K., Lintukangas K. (2019). Greening logistics outsourcing: reasons, actions and influencing factors, International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management, Vol. 34, Issue 1, pp. 269-296.
- Durst S., Evangelista P., (2018). Exploring knowledge management practices in third-party logistics service providers. VINE – The journal of information and knowledge management systems – Special Issue: Knowledge Management evaluation: research and practice perspectives, Vol. 48 Issue: 2, pp. 162-177,
- Evangelista P., Colicchia C., Creazza A., (2017). Is environmental sustainability a strategic priority for logistics service providers? Journal of Environmental Management, 198, 353-362. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2017.04.096
- Isaksson, K., Evangelista, P., Huge-Brodin, M., Liimatainen, H., Sweeney E. (2017). The adoption of green initiatives in logistics service providers – a strategic perspective, International Journal of Business and Systems Research, 11(4), pp. 349-364.
- Kähkönen, A.-K., Lintukangas, K., Hallikas, J. and Evangelista, P. (2016). Responsible buying practices in supply risk management. International Journal of Integrated Supply Management, Vol. 10, Nos. 3/4, pp. 309-329. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJISM.2016.081282
- Del Giudice, V., Evangelista P., De Paola, P., Forte, F. (2016). Knowledge management and intellectual capital in the logistics service industry, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Volume 9983 LNAI, 2016, pp. 376-387 (9th International Conference on Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management, KSEM 2016, Passau, Germany, 5-7 October 2016, Code 185149).
- Evangelista P., Durst S., (2015). Knowledge management in environmental sustainability practices of third-party logistics service providers, VINE The journal of information and knowledge management systems, 45(4), 509-529.
- Evangelista P., Hallikas J. Jaber M.Y. (2023) Environmentally Responsible Supply Chains in an era of Digital Transformation: Research Developments and Future Prospects, Edward Elgar Publishing Limited (in progress)
- Evangelista P., McKinnon A., Sweeney E., Esposito E. (eds.) 2011, Supply Chain Innovation for Competing in Highly Dynamic Markets: Challenges and Solutions, IGI Global (USA)
- Evangelista P. (2011), ICT Diffusion in SMEs. An Investigation on the Italian Transport and Logistics Service Industry, Collana di Ingegneria Economico-Gestionale, n. 43, Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane (ESI), Naples (Italy)
Book chapters
- Hallikas, J., Evangelista, P., Lintukangas, K., Kähkönen, A.K., Immonen, M. (2022) Covid-19 Disruption Impacts on Supply Chains: An Empirical Exploration on Disruptions, Resiliency and Risk Management Strategies, in Zdisin, G. et al. Supply Chain Resilience: Reconceptualizing Risk Management in a Post-Pandemic World, Springer
- Evangelista P., Bahr W. (2021). Digitalization and Industry 4.0 in Logistics, in Sweeney, E. and Waters D. (eds.) Global Logistics – New Directions in Supply Chain Management, Kogan Page, London (UK), pp. 382-390.
- Evangelista P., Huge-Brodin M., Isaksson K., Sweeney E. (2012) “Purchasing green transport and logistics services: implications from the environmental sustainability attitude of 3PLs” re-printed in Information Resources Management Association USA (2014) Sustainable Practices: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications, Business Science Reference (an imprint of IGI Global), Hershey, New York (USA), Vol. I, pp. 86-102.
- Evangelista P., (2012) “The disruptive potential role of ICT innovation in logistics: implications for learning”, in Passaro R., Thomas A. (eds.), Supply Chain Management: Perspectives, Issues and Cases, McGraw-Hill, Milan (Italy), pp 145-156.
- Evangelista P., Huge-Brodin M., Isaksson K., Sweeney E. (2012) “The environmental sustainability attitude of 3PLs. Implications for purchasing transport and logistics services” in Folinas D. (ed.) Outsourcing Management for Supply Chain Operations and Logistics Services, IGI Global (USA), pp. 449-465.
- Evangelista P., (2012) “Adding value to logistics services using ICT. A case study analysis of small logistics companies in Italy”, in Evangelista P., McKinnon A., Sweeney E., Esposito E. (eds.) (2012), Supply Chain Innovation for Competing in Highly Dynamic Markets: Challenges and Solutions, IGI Global (USA), pp. 98-122.
- Evangelista P. (2011) “The role of information technology in supporting supply chain coordination of logistics services providers”, in Mahdavi I., Mohebbi S., Cho N., (eds.), Electronic Supply Network Coordination in Intelligent and Dynamic Environment: Modelling and Implementation, Business Science Reference (an imprint of IGI Global), Hershey, New York (USA), pp. 113-144.
Pietro has extensive experience in research project management gained through roles of responsibility in the management of national and international research groups. This experience has resulted in the “Laboratory on Green Logistics” project.
Director: Pietro Evangelista
Objectives and activities
Due to the degradation of the natural environment, climate change and global warming, environmental sustainability has emerged as one of the most critical areas in the management of modern companies. Freight transport and logistics have a relevant impact on the environment and therefore “green logistics” is one of the most important leverage to manage the supply chain in a sustainable way. In this scenario, the “Laboratory on Green Logistics” of the CNR-ISMed has started to operate and its main aim is to develop research activities on environmental sustainability in freight transport and logistics in order to spread the culture of sustainability in the sector and help companies to develop strategies and actions to cope the effects of climate change. In fact, in Italy the approach towards sustainable logistics is hardly used and de-carbonisation programmes are scarcely adopted by Italian logistics companies as documented by recent research carried out within the Laboratory.
The specific objectives of the Laboratory are: i) to raise the awareness of businesses and key stakeholders about the impact of climate change on freight transport, logistics and the supply chain; ii) to collect and disseminate data on sustainable logistics in Italy in order to provide analysis and research on key issues; iii) to provide solutions to companies facing the challenges of sustainable logistics; and iv) to contribute to the definition of policies aimed at reducing the environmental impact of logistics and freight transport.
The Laboratory is active in three main activities: 1) Research: to analyse the phenomenon of sustainable logistics in Italy and to identify “best practices” to be transferred to businesses; 2) Business services: to produce studies on the de-carbonisation of business activities, to identify the most suitable actions to reduce their environmental impact, help companies to implement strategies to de-carbonise their products/services; 3) Training: to offer businesses and organisations training programmes to update staff skills and/or acquire new skills in the field of sustainable logistics and fighting climate change.
The main research activities in progress are summarised in the following graph:
Collaboration network
Lappeenranta University of Technology – LUT (Finland), Wroclaw University of Economics (Poland), Linköping University – Division of Logistics Management (Sweden), Heriot-Watt University, Logistics Research Centre (UK), University of Pau and the Pays de l’Adour (France), Scuola Universitaria Superiore Sant’Anna di Pisa, School of Management, Politecnico di Milano, LUIC Università Carlo Cattaneo
Last update
4 April 2024, 12:56