Underground Built Heritage as catalyser for Community Valorization
Manager: Giuseppe Pace
Keywords: Underground, Heritage
Funding: COST Action – CA18110
The CNR Institute of studies on Mediterranean Societies leads the Action Cost CA18110 – “Underground Built Heritage as catalyser for Community Valorization” – which will establish and implement an expert network, aiming at promoting balanced and sustainable approaches for the conservation of the underground heritage and, at the same time, realising the potential of underground space in urban and rural areas for regeneration policies.
It will disseminate knowledge on underground culture and assist local communities’ decision-making with adequate cultural, scientific and technical knowledge of the underground built environment from many different aspects (i.e. archaeology, geotechnics, history, urban planning, cultural anthropology, economics, architecture, cultural tourism)
The action was launched in a meeting that took place on April 9 in Brussels and will be valid until 2023. The CNR-ISSM directs this project and Spain-University of Murcia holds the vice-presidency.
The main objective of the COST actions (acronym for European Cooperation in Science and Technology) is to strengthen scientific and technical research in Europe, financing the establishment of collaboration networks between researchers from different countries.
Action CA18110 is composed by a network of experts from more than 20 countries whose main objective is to promote sustainable approaches for the conservation of the underground heritage, and to develop the potential of the underground space in the social, economic and cultural field.
The participants in the project from our institution Giuseppe Pace (CNR-ISSM) has been elected Action Chair, and Roberta Varriale (CNR-ISSM) co-leader of the working group 1, The other CNR participants are Giovanni Lombardi (CNR-ISSM), which participates in Working Group 1, Giovanni Leucci (CNR-IBAM) in Working Group 2, Laura Genovese (CNR-ICVBC) in Working Group 3, and Marco Leo (CNR-ISASI) in Working Group 2. More information in:
Last update
14 November 2023, 16:49