COST Action CA18110 Underground Built Heritage as catalyser for Community Valorisation
Manager: Giuseppe Pace (CNR-IRISS)
Keywords: Underground Built Heritage Sustainable transition Community empowerment
COST Action 18110 aims to promote the built heritage of the subsoil, as a tangible and intangible value to be celebrated, preserved and, when sustainable, reused and enhanced. In this regard, the activities are focused on creating new channels of communication on the topic, bringing together expertise from different academic disciplines, the public sector and the private sector. With the participation of 35 countries,
Underground4value has assembled a network of over 170 experts. Through the organization of working groups, local living labs, collective publications and a training school, the aim is to: 1. develop a knowledge base, to be collected in databases and shared on a digital platform; 2. analyze different case studies on the uses of underground heritage, interacting with local actors in its valorization; 3. Anticipate innovative social and environmental solutions, supporting processes of co-evolution and co-creation of local communities; 4. Design and test new training modules for planners, decision makers, promoters and facilitators for a sustainable management of underground heritage.
The main challenge of “Underground4value” is the promotion of the Underground Built Heritage, as a tangible and intangible value to be celebrated, preserved and, when sustainable, reused and enhanced, in order to realize its full potential to support the development of local communities. The specific objectives can be summarized as follows: 1. Balanced and sustainable methodology to support the conservation and reuse of the Built Underground Heritage; 2. New skills for planners, decision makers, promoters and facilitators of local development; 3. Activation of communities in the material and immaterial valorisation of the Built Underground Heritage.
Last update
14 November 2023, 14:49