Department: DTA/Earth System Science and Environmental Technologies
Project area: DTA.AD002/Sustainable and efficient management of natural resources, ecosystems and biodiversity
Project title: DTA.AD002.643/Cellules pur la vie CELAVIE
Subproject: DTA.AD002.643.003/Project CELAVIE
Project Implementing Institution: Institute for the Study of Anthropogenic Impacts and Sustainability in the Marine Environment (IAS)
Sub-Project Implementing Institute: Institute for Mediterranean Studies (ISMed)
First year of activity: 2021
Status: Proposed continuation
Institute research activity: MICROM-Impact of marine litter at the micro level on marine habitats and on the general use of the sea resource nbsp;
Subproject contact person: CUTTITTA ANGELA
Email: angela.cuttitta@ismed.cnr.it
Telephone: 335 1234514
Main Sub-Project location: Palermo sub-project location
Keywords: aquatic, resource sustainability, aquaponics
The project aims to create ‘viable cells’ in Italy and Tunisia for the sustainable aquaponic production of aquatic animals and plants. An exchange of knowledge will be essential to find the best solutions for breeding under different conditions. Dissemination and communication will be useful for the promotion of the initiative.
Last update
2 February 2024, 12:18