A Party on the move: the PCI and migration from birth to dissolution
Manager: Michele Colucci
External financing: funded by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers – Struttura di missione per la valorizzazione degli anniversari nazionali e della dimensione partecipativa delle nuove generazioni (Structure of mission for the valorisation of national anniversaries and the participatory dimension of the new generations), based on the public notice for the selection of projects for cultural and celebratory initiatives relating to the Centenary of the founding of the Italian Communist Party.
Co-financing: Placido Rizzotto Observatory Foundation
Keywords: migration; Communist Party; PCI; history
The project Un partito in movimento: il Pci e le migrazioni dalla nascita alla scioglimento aims to reconstruct the Italian Communist Party’s mobilisation in the field of migration during its history.
The project will promote:
- seminars and conferences on the six thematic issues concerning the relationship between the Italian Communist Party and migration
- publication of volumes and scientific articles;
- research on the history of the Italian Communist Party in relation to migrations;
- a training programme on the theme of migrations in history addressed to teachers in the Italian school system.
Specific goals:
- To promote knowledge of the history of the PCI starting from themes capable of restoring the variety of social, cultural and political experiences that traversed its parabola during the twentieth century: the issue of migration represents a theme that is little investigated at a scientific level and constitutes an original way of recomposing the local, national and international dimension of Italian communism.
- Promoting knowledge of migrations with a view to disseminating scientific knowledge starting from the history of contemporary Italy and specifically from the history of the PCI, from its origins to its dissolution.
- Support training processes for teaching staff on the theme of migration starting from the history of contemporary Italy and specifically from the history of the PCI, from its origins to its dissolution.
- Digitally enhance the sources related to the history of migrations and the history of the PCI, with a view to recomposing the often dispersed and fragmented documentary heritage, both in Italy and globally.
Partnership: ISMed – CNR (lead partner); Fondazione Osservatorio Placido Rizzotto
Scientific manager: Michele Colucci, ISMed – Cnr
Last update
14 November 2023, 16:47