Martina Mattiazzi

Martina Mattiazzi
Phone+39 0250313 555


Martina Mattiazzi has been working as CTER at CNR since 2021.

She graduated in 2019 in Intercultural Communication at the University of Milan-Bicocca, where she acquired skills in literary, anthropological, linguistic, and communicative fields.

Currently, she is graduating in Linguistics at the University of Turin.

She is the librarian at the Milan ISMed unit, where she manages the book heritage, the procedures of inventory and cataloguing of new acquisitions, the library tutoring, and curate collections.

She is a member of the organizing committee of the events for the Milan unit.

She is co-editor of the bimonthly electronic bulletin, Dal Mediterraneo agli Oceani, a project started in 1999 by Giuseppe Bellini, Clara Camplani and Patrizia Spinato B.. She also manages communication on social media, including the Facebook page, Instagram profile, Youtube channel and account; she is webmaster of the homonymous blog.

In 2022 she has been chosen as a trainer for CNR within the European Horizon 2020 MINDtheGEPs project on the topic of gender equality in research institutions and universities. As a part of this activity, she participated in training courses in foreign universities, and she collaborates with the main research group to organize training courses at the CNR.

Since 2023 she is a member of the working group for the promotion, implementation and monitoring of actions and measures for gender equality, called “Gender Equality Team”, specifically in the subgroup “Training and European perspectives”. She published in journals and volumes, and participated in national and international conferences.


  • Emilia del Giudice, Martina Mattiazzi, «Políticas de género en el Consejo Nacional de investigación italiano», in Dal Mediterraneo agli Oceani, n. 115, 2023, pp. 16-20;

  • «Percezione e condivisione della campagna vaccinale» (pp. 42-44), paragraph in the article of A. Cioppi, E. del Giudice, A. Guasco, M. Mattiazzi and P. Spinato, «Letteratura e arte: risorse contro l’isolamento e l’esclusione al tempo del Covid-19. Il questionario CNR-ISEM» (pp. 35-50) in Mirella Orsi, Roberto Paura (edd.), Pandemie & Infodemie. Un manuale per il futuro, Savona, Editoriale Romani, 2023, ISBN 978-88-99515-98-0.


  • «Dalle iniziative bibliografiche alla comunicazione in rete», Tra illustri centenari. Il Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, l’Università degli Studi di Milano e Giuseppe Bellini (2023, 13-14th November, CNR ISEM Milano, Università degli Studi di Milano, Instituto Cervantes Milán);

  • «Ciberacoso, dicriminación y hatespeech en línea: el lenguaje de la misoginia como respaldo de la brecha digital», III Seminario Internacional Educación y TAC: competencia digital, brecha digital de género y virtualidad en la formación inicial del profesorado (2022, 15-16th September, Universidad de Alicante, Universidad de Burgos, University of Leeds).

Last update

22 March 2024, 17:30