Emilia del Giudice

Emilia del Giudice
Phone+39 0250313 556


Recruited in 2001 with CTER profile at the CNR.

From 2004 to 2007 she was Managing Editor of the journal I frutti di Demetra at ISSM in Naples.

Since 2007 she is Managing Editor and component of the editorial board of the international journal Global Environment: A Journal of Transdisciplinary History, published by White Horse Press, published by ISSM (former ISMed).

Since 2009, she is Managing Editor and graphic designer of Dal Mediterraneo agli oceani (From the Mediterranean to the Oceans), a bimonthly bulletin of the Milanese research unit, a project started in 2000 and now directed by Patrizia Spinato.

She deals with the configuration and installation of hardware and software systems for the Milan unit; she is the contact person for referring security.

She is responsible for the management and transmission to the central office of the CNR with electronic procedure of certificates of attendance for the Milan unit.

She is a member of the organizing committee of the events for the Milan unit.

She was a member of the technical-scientific committee of the ISEM digital series “Europe and the Mediterranean. History and images of an international community” and responsible for the cover graphics. She was also a member of the technical group for the ISEM website called Isem comunica. (2014-2023).

In 2020 she was a member for the call for competition, CTER VI, call 301.17 ISEM CTER MI. As a scientific contributor, she published articles in books and journals and written more than 150 titles including journals articles, chapters in books and reviews.


Most recent publications:

  • 2023, Emilia del Giudice, «Attività multimediali in quarantena» (pp. 45-47), paragrafo all’interno dell’articolo di A. Cioppi, E. del Giudice, A. Guasco, M. Mattiazzi, P. Spinato, «Letteratura e arte: risorse contro l’isolamento e l’esclusione al tempo del covid-19. Il questionario CNR-ISEM» (pp. 35-50), in Mirella Orsi, Roberto Paura (edd.), Pandemie & Infodemie. Un manuale per il futuro, Savona, Editoriale Romani, 2023, ISBN 978-88-99515-98-0. https://acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:EU:a5793332-5440-4489-996a-602758a64bea.
  • 2020, Emilia del Giudice, Voce in Dizionario bibliografico «Franco Meregalli», in Vislumbres de España, Italia e iberoamérica. Una constelación escogida de protagonistas de nuestra historia común, a cura di Marifé Santiago Bolaños e Ion de La Riva, Embajada de España en Italia, Roma 2020, tomo II, pp. 71-73, (opera completa) ISBN 978-84-09-26441-4 (tomo II). ISBN 978-84-09-25482-8. https://acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:EU:dc5f295b-ced7-4c92-af6d-f32a9dfced17.
  • 2018, Emilia del Giudice, «Giuseppe Bellini pubblicista», in Giuseppe Bellini tra Mediterraneo e Atlantico, a cura di Patrizia Spinato B., Bulzoni Editore, 2018, pp. 63-75, ISBN-88-6897-140-3.

Recent conference communications:

  • 2023, «Giuseppe Bellini e l’iberistica nell’Accademia e nella ricerca», Congress, Tra illustri centenari. Il Consiglio nazionale delle Ricerche, l’Università degli Studi di Milano e Giuseppe Bellini, 2023,13-14 November.
  • 2023, «Políticas de género en el Consejo Nacional de investigación italiano», Congress, Poderosas y viajeras. Escritura y mujer en América latina, CSIC, Madrid, 2023, 7-8 September.
  • 2022, «Franco Meregalli», Spazio delle Culture MUDEC, nell’ambito di BooKcity Milano, 2022, 17 November. 2020, «La produzione bibliografica dell’ISEM. in ambito mediterraneo e atlantico», Congress, Il mediterraneo fra storia e innovazione problemi e prospettive, Viareggio, 2020,18-19 September.


European Projects in the Financial Management Group:

  • IST Programme – INTERMON Project: Activity as Financial Officer of project of the Fifth Framework Programme of the European Community, for the advanced projects of the National Interuniversity Consortium for Informatics – CINI. Activity period from 2001 to 2003.
  • GRD1 Programme – Project EXPert-system based PrEdictions of Demand for Internal Transport in Europe (EXPEDITE): Activity of Project Financial Officer, in collaboration with the Project Manager within the Fifth Framework Programme of the European Community, for the advanced projects of the University of Naples “Federico II” Department of Transport. Period of activity from 2000-2003.
  • IST Programme – Project Creation and Deployment of End_User Services in Premium IP Networks, (CADENUS): Activity of Project Financial Officer, in collaboration with the Project Manager on European Community Projects. within the Fifth Framework Programme of the European Community, for the advanced projects of the University of Naples “Federico II” Dept. of Informatics and Systematics. Period of activity from 2000-2003.
  • IST Programme – Project Gateway for User Access to Remote Distributed Information And Network Services, (GUARDIANS): Activity of Project Financial Officer, in collaboration with the Project Manager under the Fifth Framework Programme of the European Community, for advanced projects of the University of Naples “Federico II” Dept. of Informatics and Systems Science. Period of 2000 to 2002.
  • IST Programme – Project Educator Access to Services in the Electronic Landscape, (EASEL): Activity of Project Financial Officer, in collaboration with the Project Manager within the Fifth Framework Programme of the European Community, for advanced projects of the University of Naples “Federico II” Dept. of Informatics and Systematics. Period of activity from 2000 to 2002.
  • ACTS Programme – Project Getting Educational Systems Talking Across Leading-Edge Technologies, (GESTALT): Activity of Project Financial Officer, in collaboration with the Project Manager, within the Fourth Framework Programme of the European Community, for the advanced projects of the University of Naples “Federico II” Dept. of Informatics and Systems Science. Period of activity from 1998 to 2000.
  • ARPA Consortium/University of Naples “Federico II”, at the Department of Informatics of the University of Naples “Federico II”. Activities as Financial Officer. Performed financial, organisational, management, monitoring and technical-administrative activities together with the Project Manager. Activity period from March 1997 to December 2001. ACTS Programme – Project Integration of High Performance Services for Interactive Vocational Training, (RENAISSANCE): Activity of Project Financial Officer, in collaboration with the Project Manager under the Fourth Framework Programme of the European Community, for advanced projects of the University of Naples “Federico II” Dept. of Informatics and Systematics. Period from 1997 to 1999.

Last update

22 March 2024, 17:12