Training School – Call for Teachers
21 November 2023

Political migrations in contemporary Italy: definitions, boundaries, didactic proposals
Training School dedicated to teachers in service, precarious or tenured, at secondary schools of first and second degree, in Italy or abroad
CALL for teachers
Deadline 20 August 2023
Political migration is one of the most debated topics in the public debate. The boundaries and differences between political and economic motivations at the root of migration flows are at the basis of discussions, conflicts and interpretations that significantly affect the reading, perception and governance of international mobility. The aim of the training school is to deepen the evolution of political migrations in contemporary Italy, from the Risorgimento to the present day, from a historical point of view, identifying both effective reading keys to understand their specificities and didactic paths able to support their dissemination in schools.
The training school envisages in the morning sessions lectures and speeches by highly qualified scholars and in the afternoon sessions presentations of teaching units by teachers.
Teachers wishing to apply must send by 20 August 2023 a proposal for a teaching unit dedicated to a topic of their choice related to the history of political migrations in contemporary Italy. The didactic unit must be based on the disciplinary competences of the teacher submitting the application and the subjects taught. The text must be contained in a document of between 6000 and 8000 characters including spaces.
The proposal, complete with the proposer’s date of birth, telephone, residence and contact details, must be sent by 20 August by e-mail to the following mail:
Last update
18 March 2024, 10:25