CNR-ISMed at the Fifteenth National Statistics Conference

3 July 2024

CNR-ISMed at the Fifteenth National Statistics Conference

CNR-ISMed at the

Fifteenth National Statistics Conference
Official statistics in the time of Artificial Intelligence


Rome, 3-4 July 2024

Presentation of

an information framework
for the wider Mediterranean Countries


Giovanni Canitano, Francesco Di Filippo, Luca Forte

Anna Pia Mirto, Francesca Abate, Marco Ricci


In the Poster CNS15 session of #CNStatistica15, dedicated to Cooperation and statistical initiatives in partnership with Istat, presentation of the ongoing activities for the realisation of the new portal WeMed: an information framework for the enlarged Mediterranean countries. The work is part of an operational agreement between CNR-ISMed and Istat activated last June 2023, with the aim of carrying out study and research activities and projects on cross-cutting issues of mutual interest using interdisciplinary, geostatistical and econometric methodologies, scientific publications, events and seminars for the valorisation of the results.

The WeMed portal will allow, through a set of about 140 key indicators, to have a multi-thematic information framework in the 26 Mediterranean countries extended by 4 thematic areas: Population and Society, Economy, Environment and Natural Resources, Gender Gaps. The main international statistical sources feeding the database include: World Bank, United Nations, Eurostat and OCSE.

The IT infrastructure of the interactive project, designed by the technical staff of the CNR-ISMed’s Mediterranean Digital Humanities Lab, is based on open source tools and encourages the dissemination of open data, respecting the guidelines on accessibility and design for websites and digital services of the Public Administration. It features statistical tables, thematic maps, historical navigation features and interactivity.

Last update

12 July 2024, 15:13