Interview with Stefano Gallo on Rai Storia

3 May 2024

Interview with Stefano Gallo on Rai Storia

Rai Storia
St 2024Ep 5612 min
april 2024

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interview with Stefano Gallo

Giovanni Paolo Fontana interviews Stefano Gallo (CNR-ISMed), author with Fabrizio Loreto of Storia del lavoro nell’Italia contemporanea.

Stefano Gallo describes the evolution of work in over 150 years of Italian history, understood as individual fatigue and a possible instrument of exploitation, but also as a lever of collective redemption and emancipation: a complex and apparently contradictory interweaving that constitutes the red thread running through the entire volume published by Il Mulino.

The authors propose a history of Italy from the Unification to the present day approached from the specific angle of labour – understood in its broadest sense – reconstructing the transformations of the labour market, the evolution of industrial relations and production techniques, the forms of associationism and political participation, cultural representations, and the changes in the legal framework and social legislation.

Watch the interview on RaiPlay

The volume on the CNR-ISMed website @edizionimulino2023 @RaiPlay

Last update

7 May 2024, 10:37