History of migrations
Coordinator: Michele Colucci
The research activity aims to investigate the phenomenon of migration starting from the methodology and tools of history, with particular attention to the contemporary age. Deepening the historical dimension of migratory phenomena allows to give back with greater depth the way in which societies have been invested by the impact of territorial mobility. The space from which the research activity moves is that of the Mediterranean basin, with particular attention to the role of Italy, considered as a place of departure, arrival, transit, return of migratory experiences. The migratory phenomena that are mostly taken into consideration are:
- the flows coming from the Mediterranean and directed towards continental Europe and transoceanic destinations, considering the season of colonialism, the great migrations of the late modern age, the mass migrations of the contemporary age;
- flows within the Mediterranean area, both those within regions and states and those due to the movement from the south to the north of the Mediterranean or between neighbouring countries;
- immigration from outside the Mediterranean, with particular attention to the migratory phenomena developed in the period from the end of the Second World War to the present day;
- return migrations, conceived in their most extensive meaning and therefore not as simple returns to the homeland but as real migratory experiences.
The framework within which the research activity is proposed is oriented towards convergence in an integrated perspective of the study of different migratory phenomena, which over time have often appeared side by side in the same places. The case-study of the Mediterranean countries (both north and south) is in this regard extremely rich in cues and perspectives, especially in the years between the mid-twentieth century and today, since in countries such as Italy but also Spain, Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, Turkey, emigration, internal migration and return migration coexist and stratify simultaneously. Within the deepening of the different migratory flows, particular emphasis is placed on the dynamics related to the impact of migration from the point of view of policies and the labour market. The objectives in summary can be traced back to 5 horizons:
- to strengthen research on the origins, evolution, transformations and impact of migration through the publication of journals, essays, monographic volumes, collective works, research reports, works published in a digital environment, participation in dictionaries and encyclopaedias, school and university manuals, and specialist works reserved for professional categories.
- Stimulate research on the history of migration by promoting and organizing national and international conferences, higher education schools, doctoral courses, seminars, volume presentations.
- include the history of migration within the training for public officials, social workers, trade union officials, employees of private companies interested in the topic for professional reasons
- to promote the dissemination and dissemination of scientific content in wider public contexts such as libraries, schools, festivals, museums, mass media such as radio, television, web, online social platforms
- cooperate actively with national and international research institutions such as universities, public and private bodies, foundations, etc.
- comparative analysis of migratory flows in Mediterranean countries in contemporary times with a view to integrating available sources
- comparative analysis of migration policies in Mediterranean countries in contemporary times
- mapping and valorisation of historical sources for the reconstruction of migratory phenomena in Mediterranean countries in contemporary times
- reconstruction of short-, short- and long-haul mobility experiences in contemporary Mediterranean countries, with particular attention to urbanisation phenomena and seasonal movements
- comparative analysis of labour markets in Mediterranean countries in the contemporary age with particular attention to the dynamics of recruitment and placement of migrant labour
- comparative analysis of the forms of territorial settlement of migrant populations in Mediterranean countries in contemporary times
- chronological analysis of migratory flows in the Mediterranean countries in relation to the main periods identified by historiography
- analysis of gender differences in the evolution of migratory phenomena in Mediterranean countries
- analysis of internal and international migratory flows starting from the stratification of the generations involved
- elaboration of high-profile scientific products
- organisation of national and international conferences and seminars
- development of training and refresher courses
- organisation of public meetings for dissemination and diffusion
- carrying out in-depth studies on behalf of national and international institutions
The issues addressed can be traced back to eight strands:
- The history of foreign immigration in Italy, with particular regard to the period between 1945 and the present day.
- internal migration in Italy and the Mediterranean countries: analysis, evolution, specificity, caesuras and continuity from the modern age to the present day
- emigration from Italy and southern Europe to foreign countries at the same time: flows, policies, work, origins and consequences
- the history of migration and mobility in the Mediterranean from antiquity to the present: the construction of routes and approaches in the long term
- urbanization, cities, settlement and transformations in the context of the Mediterranean in contemporary age
- international migration and global dimension at the same time
- migrations and the history of work in contemporary age
- the history of migration policies in contemporary age
The working group has numerous collaborations with institutions, research bodies, universities, foundations, just to mention a few: Master’s Degree in Immigration and Public Policies for Reception and Integration University Federico II of Naples, Centre for Cultural Processing MoMi (Mobility and Migration) University L’Orientale of Naples, Foundation Centre for Emigration Studies, Italian Society of Labour History, Department of Linguistic-Literary, Historical-Philosophical and Legal Studies University of Tuscia, Alsos Foundation, National Museum of Italian Emigration, Italian and European Forum for Research on Immigration, Altreitalie Centre, Migrantes Foundation, Dedalus Cooperative, Associazione studi giuridici sull’immigrazione, Biblioteche di Roma, Fondazione Golinelli, Unione forense per i diritti umani, Mitecube Srl, Società italiana di demografia storica, Associazione italiana studi di popolazione, Dipartimento Scienze Politiche Università Federico II di Napoli, Dipartimento scienze umane e sociali Università L’Orientale di Napoli, Dipartimento Civiltà e forme del sapere Università di Pisa, Laboratorio di storia delle migrazioni Università Modena e Reggio Emilia, Istituto nazionale Ferruccio Parri – Rete degli istituti per la storia della resistenza e dell’età contemporanea. In 2020 the Research Unit at third parties was established by Ismed CNR and Biblioteche di Roma with the research project “History of migrations: research and dissemination”.
Updates and materials produced are visible on the website www.roma150immigrazioni.it
Starting from 2014 within the framework of the research activities the Annual Report on Internal Migrations is published, edited by Michele Colucci and Stefano Gallo.
Material updates are visible on the website www.migrazioninterne.it
The line produces monographs, national and international scientific articles and an annual report on internal migration. In addition, research activities find an outlet in a variety of dissemination and training activities.
Last update
20 November 2023, 11:16