Social-historical sciences and territory. For a new season of research in Ferrara and beyond

Social-historical sciences and territory. For a new season of research in Ferrara and beyond
Study day
Social-Historical Sciences and Territory.
For a new season of research in Ferrara and beyond
Inauguration of the Research Unit of the Institute for Mediterranean Studies of the National Research Council in the Ferrara Municipal Historical Archive
January 23, 2025 at 9:00 a.m.
Ariostea Library, Via delle Scienze 17
Niccolini Library, Via Romiti 13
On the occasion of the inauguration of ISMed’s new Ferrara research unit, at the city’s Historical City Archive, a study day takes stock of the Ferrara1881 project, the first fundamental step towards the construction of a geo-historical portal on the city of Ferrara. At the same time, empirical studies based on a close relationship with the local territory (urban, rural and other centres) will be compared. The day is intended to reaffirm the importance of spatial dimensions for historical and social studies and the ambition for an interdisciplinary social science, capable of bringing together different perspectives, quantitative and qualitative approaches, dynamics of the past and present society, scholars, the population and other institutional and associative actors active in the territory.
9 a.m. – 1 p.m., Ariostea Library, Agnelli Hall
Grazia Maria De Rubeis (Libraries and Archives Service of the Municipality of Ferrara)
Introduction. A long collaboration, a new presence
Michele Nani (CNR-ISMed, Ferrara)
For an Historical-Social Atlas of Ferrara
The development of the Ferrara1881 project
Corinna Mezzetti (ASCFe)
The digitisation and computerisation of the 19th century land register of Ferrara
Erasmo Di Fonso (La Sapienza University, Rome)
Computerised materials for future databases
Rachele Bassolino (ASCFe)
Trentamila ferraresi: the 1881 census, a society in urban space
Michele Nani (CNR-ISMed, Ferrara)
2:30 p.m. – 6 p.m., Niccolini Library
Social sciences in and for the territory
The Economic and Social Space in Italy: Sociological Perspectives
Tania Toffanin (CNR-ISMed, Ferrara)
Delphic Anthropologies
Giuseppe Scandurra (University of Ferrara)
Public housing, delinquency and policies: the case of ACER Ferrara (2011-2021)
Alfredo Alietti (University of Ferrara)
Eco-remembrances of land reclamation: notes from the “Memoria viva” project
Davide N. Carnevale (University of Ferrara)
Open and geo-referenced data from below to cope with climate change
Piergiorgio Cipriano (Citizen Science Ferrara / USAGE project)
Public goods > communities > nodes. Survey and GIS mapping
of unused public buildings in Ferrara and the Forese area
Martina Grillo, Federico Mussano, Daniela Spissu (University of Ferrara)
Studying everyday racism in Ferrara
Robert Elliot (Occhioaimedia / Citizens of the World)
Data to Count. Gender and public policies, the experience of Cento (Ferrara)
Elvira M.R. Oliva (University of Bologna / Period Think tank)
CNR-ISMed and Municipality of Ferrara
Rachele Bassolino, Corinna Mezzetti, Michele Nani, Tania Toffanin
The conference is open to the public, subject to availability of places
The morning session will be broadcast on the Ariostea Library YouTube channel
Michele Nani (
Last update
24 January 2025, 15:12