“The Present reads the Past to build the Future” – SCIENCE OBJECTIVE
21 November 2023

A photo by Paola Avallone, research manager at CNR-ISMed, among the #100 most voted photos in the Photo Contest launched by the CNR for the Centenary of the National Research Council.
The competition, open to all organisation staff, focused on the keywords of biodiversity, sustainability, ecological transition, digital transition, clean energy, circular economy, life sciences, one health, cultural heritage, peace and scientific diplomacy.
Paola Avallone’s photo “Il Presente legge il Passato per costruire il Futuro“ participated in the Cultural Heritage category and received 570 votes, ranking among the top 100 most voted photos, collected on the page of the website dedicated to the competition: obiettivoscienza.cnr.it
#futuro #patrimonioculturale #storia #economia #ArchivioStorico of #BancodiNapoli
Last update
18 March 2024, 10:28