Studies, reflections, Mediterranean paths

Studies, reflections, Mediterranean paths

Studies, reflections, Mediterranean paths

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CYCLE SEMINAR “Beyond disciplinary barriers. The ISMed as a research laboratory”

Studies, reflections, Mediterranean paths
The gift paradigm

23 April 2024 10.00 a.m.

Humanistic Pole (VI floor)
Via Cardinale Guglielmo Sanfelice, 8
80134 Naples

Remote participation on Teams platform

QR seminario

The Mediterranean represents a space that throughout its history has been able to build links, affinities and relationships, although this has not been sufficient to prevent conflicts and tensions between the populations inhabiting its shores. This complexity has often led to dichotomous representations, risking crystallising reality into opposing blocs that hinder in-depth reflection. However, beyond the imaginary, there is a lived reality that is intrinsically linked to social dynamics.

Hence the need to adopt a more articulated approach to understanding Mediterranean realities: an “exercise in reading” that is multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary and, at the same time, transdisciplinary. An invitation to overcome categories and stereotypes in order to “deconstruct” and re-examine every absolute certainty, focusing on the peculiarities present in the Mediterranean and their ability to confront other specificities with a common spirit. Starting from this assumption, today’s meeting turns into a narrated journey through the studies conducted on the Mediterranean, touching crucial nodes such as educational paths and influences in research. Key words and specific themes addressed in recent years are explored, such as migration, development, gender, cultural heritage, and so on. The path finally arrives at the “landings of the mare nostrum”, highlighting the future horizon of Mediterranean societies through the metaphor of the “gift paradigm”.

THE SPEAKER. Immacolata Caruso, political scientist, is a researcher at the National Research Council, Institute for Mediterranean Studies (CNR-ISMed), Department of Human and Social Sciences, Cultural Heritage (DSU). She conducts research, particularly on the countries of the southern and eastern shores of the Mediterranean, in the disciplinary fields of Political Science, Development Economics and Regional Sciences. He is scientifically responsible for and coordinator of several research programmes on economic and political transition in North African and Middle Eastern countries, sustainable development, institutions and local development, and migration flows in Mediterranean countries. Since 2009, he has been conducting studies and research on the migration-development nexus as well as on the knowledge, fruition and valorisation of material and immaterial cultural heritage in the Euro-Mediterranean region.



Immacolata Caruso


Valentina Noviello


Gabriella Corona, Desirée A.L. Quagliarotti


The seminar is open to the public, subject to availability.
You can also participate remotely, on the Teams platform.

Attached flyer and programme 2023-2024.

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Date And Time

23/04/2024 - 10:00

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Last update

2 April 2024, 14:58