Italy – Japan


Risk monitoring and conservation of the human subsoil as resources for human activities in Italy and Japan

Roberta Varriale (Urban Historian)  CNR-ISMed
Bruno Venditto (Sociologist) CNR-ISMed
Laura Genovese (Archaeologist) CNR-ICVBC
Marco Leo (Computer science engineer) CNR-ISASI
Mario Parise (Geologist) University of Bari

2018: First visit of the Italian Team of CNR-ISMed to Japan (Saitama University, June 2018)

Roberta Varriale
Damage assessment and conservation of underground space as valuable resources for human activities use in Italy and Japan

Bruno Venditto
Internal migration and gender empowerment: Empirical finding from Namibia

Bruno Venditto
Exploring Namibian’s Underground Built Assets: Should they receive a “Heritage” status?

Last update

7 February 2025, 15:50